Pharmacy Homeopathic

Homeopathy is one of the oldest and most mysterious methods of treatment in the world. It is based on the idea that the symptoms of a person’s illness do not appear by chance, but as a consequence of something. Therefore, in order to completely cure a person, you need to find out what he is sick with, what reasons led to this disease.

According to homeopathy, medicine (and medicine in a homeopathic pharmacy) has nothing in common with medicines in a regular pharmacy. The latter almost always contain chemical ingredients - metal salts, bark, rhizomes, etc. In homeopathic medicines - as you can easily guess from the name - there are something small or similar to the cause of a specific symptom. But there must be a reason, and the more unclear it is, the greater the chances of a positive treatment result. That is, treatment comes down to understanding the symptoms of the disease. We can cause the same symptoms intentionally. To do this, we take substances that cause the same or similar reactions in a healthy person as in a patient. We mentally equate the disease and the substance that caused it in appearance and effect on each other. What results can we achieve then? Yes, to any extent: you can cause symptoms that are the opposite side of the disease, and of different types. You can remember the effect this gives from the example of yoga.

In homeopathy, all this is done at the fingertips - and so often that it resembles a strange dance. Each fingertip has its own tongue, which we call the scales: the scales are made of aurum (two metals are called silver - aurum and platinum), and is in front of us in the air. The patient sits on our shoulders. With our right hand we touch four fingers, simultaneously dipping them in the solvent, and place a drop of the substance on it in the scales. The fingers help the solvent “roll” over the particles of the substance and get the droplet inside the scales, because the solution is very strong - and spread over the ends of the fingers, simulating the same state of the body from which the droplet arose. Now we feel the part that is in the bowl, give it to our patient and get an answer as to what force pushes the part of the body out with its help. The drug obtained in this way is placed in a jar, where it is stored until the next portion of the solution for the “homopathic signitrio” is needed. At the same time, we notice that the one who wanted to deceive us sees in front of him an empty cup with an incomprehensible liquid, which becomes a stronger person. From the point of view of ordinary logic, he does not know what the “receptor” should be in this live game. And if the patient had swallowed this liquid, he would never have been able to recover, but quite the opposite, he would have become ten kilograms heavier. But the hospital has its own code, and the doctor can know it by heart: thereby he will know where the drug’s “point of action” is, and why this is the point that he chose. If the doctor knows all these things, then he has

Greetings, friends! Today I want to share with you information about an amazing pharmacy - the Homeopathic Pharmacy.

The homeopathic pharmacy, or "A." as it is called, is one of the few pharmacies that manufactures and dispenses medicines according to the rules of homeopathy. Homeopathy is an ancient medical practice that offers treatment for diseases through the use of medicines made from natural ingredients. Unlike traditional medicine, homeopathy uses tiny doses of active substances, which may be responsible for symptoms such as headache and fever. Its supporters claim that this form of treatment does not cause side effects and does not have a negative effect on the body.

The main advantage of a Homeopathic pharmacy is its unique approach to treating diseases. Instead of using synthetic drugs, she uses natural ingredients that create a similar effect based on the patient's symptoms. Instead of looking for the cause of a disease, which can be found in the laboratory, Homeopathic Pharmacy looks for the symptoms of that disease and then finds a medicine that can eliminate them. Thus, this treatment focuses not only on what is happening “inside” the patient, but also on the external manifestations of the disease.

How does the homeopathic approach work? First, the homeopathic doctor analyzes the patient's symptoms and determines what dose of the drug will be most effective. The drug comes from a natural source, such as a plant, underground or water, and is then processed to the desired size. Smaller dosages are likely to contain more benefits, especially if they come from the plant in its natural state, where the ingredient is more vibrant and better absorbed. Larger doses are used to achieve an effect or to replace substances lost due to loss of appetite or vomiting. Some drugs can be used together with other drugs or alone to achieve the best results. For example, homeopathic squid gland jelly is a recipe used to restore the body after sudden loss of blood due to injury. However, it is worth noting that not all drugs with a similar concept have the same result. Homeopathic medicines are intended to support health, not to quickly cure diseases. They may help alleviate symptoms and improve the patient's overall condition, but do not provide immediate relief. Therefore, many people turn to them only in the most extreme cases, when other types of treatment are unavailable or ineffective.