Phenol Red Test

The phenol red test is a method for studying renal blood flow. This method is based on the ability of the renal tubular epithelium to secrete a rapidly injected intravenous dye, phenol red, which allows the rate of blood flow in the kidneys to be assessed.

To conduct a phenol red test, the patient is injected intravenously with a dye solution, which then penetrates the epithelium of the renal tubules and enters the urine. The urine is then collected for a certain period of time and its color is assessed. If the dye does not penetrate the tubules, this means that the blood flow in the kidneys is normal. If the dye penetrates the tubules quickly, this indicates increased blood flow in the kidneys, which may be associated with various kidney diseases.

The phenol red test is one of the most common methods for studying renal circulation. It is performed both for diagnostic purposes and during the treatment of various kidney diseases. However, like any other research method, the phenol red test has its limitations and can give false positive or false negative results. Therefore, to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to conduct the study under the supervision of qualified specialists.


The phenol blue test is an important method for studying the vascular reactivity of the kidneys and depends on the efficient release of exogenous substances by the proximal tubules of the liver. Subcutaneous injection of H2REHL or application to the patient's skin can cause mild local hyperemia of the skin. The administration of phenol blue after assessing the local reaction produces a rapid accumulation of the dye in the kidney under the influence of the bloodstream. Over time (usually 30 minutes), phenicrine becomes red-orange in color.

Diagnostic method

Before performing the test, it is necessary to prepare the patient's skin. To do this, a solution of methylene blue is used, the liquid is instilled into the hand. This technique not only allows you to prepare the skin, but also shows the time it takes for the skin to return to normal. If the norm is restored without delay, it means that the capillary network is functioning normally. After this preparation, the skin is prepared again for the test, which eliminates the possibility of developing an allergic reaction in the patient (introducing a solution of antihistamines under the skin). The method is successfully used to measure the speed of blood flow in the kidneys or to assess the state of their arterial blood flow and contraction, as well as the state of the glomeruli. Preparing for the study

It is important to inform the patient that they may experience some discomfort when the dye is injected under the skin. The patient must also be provided with information about the nature of the study, namely, a test with fencyanic acid - the procedure is administered by injection under the skin tissue. The nurse informs the patient that this test is physiological and does not cause pain.

In medicine, a phenol red test is used to determine renal blood flow indicators. The study is based on the ability of the renal epithelium to quickly secrete an intravenously administered drug, phenol red. This procedure helps to identify disorders of the blood supply to the kidneys and diagnose various diseases.

Until recently, doctors performed this procedure using a special device - a cystoscope, which is inserted through the patient's urinary canal. Due to the difficulties of using this method - preliminary anesthesia is necessary and the absence of violations of the integrity of the gastrointestinal mucosa, it was decided to use a more modern and safe alternative. The so-called Phenol Red Test consists of taking a special drug orally, then a period of one to two days passes and the test results can be obtained for analysis. The disadvantage of this method is that it is stressful for the patient, but the advantages are painlessness and ease of diagnosis.