Phlebitis White Leg

Phlebitis White Leg is a type of thrombophlebitis, inflammation of a vein caused by the formation of a thrombus (blood clot).

With this disease, inflammation of the vein wall (phlebitis) occurs at the site of thrombus formation. This leads to pain and redness of the skin along the affected vein. The pain syndrome is usually intense, hence the name "White Pain".

Thrombophlebitis most often affects the superficial veins of the lower extremities. Risk factors are obesity, varicose veins, trauma, prolonged immobility, taking oral contraceptives, and smoking.

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and ultrasound data of the veins. Treatment includes anticoagulants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, compression, and elevation of the limb.

The history of phlebitis is closely related to the history of mankind. Evidence of the existence of these diseases was discovered in ancient Egypt. From ancient times to the present, attempts to combat thrombophlebitis have continued. In the modern world, there are various treatment methods to prevent serious complications after undergoing long journeys or major operations.

Phlebitis is an inflammatory disease that can occur in blood vessels. There are several types of thrombophlebitis, one of which is White pain phlebitis. This type of disease is also known as venous thrombophlebitis and it requires immediate medical attention.

White Pain Phlebitis The veins near the skin have small openings called superficial veins. If these veins become blocked with blood clots, this can lead to the development of White pain phlebitis.

Symptoms of white painful phlebitis are:

the appearance of pain in the legs, which intensifies with movement and pressure on the affected area; swelling and swelling in the area of ​​the ulcer; change in skin color; in some cases, an increase in temperature in the affected area may be noted. The most common causes of phlebitis Alba painful are damage to the deep veins during surgery or other medical procedures, as well as a long flight or prolonged stay in an upright position. If symptoms of White painful phlebitis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe the necessary type of treatment. Unfortunately, there are also serious consequences of this disease, which may require surgery.

Venous occlusion of the lower extremity is an extremely rare medical condition that carries a serious risk of development and complications. One of the most dangerous conditions in this case is white painful phlebitis, the so-called “white disease” - this is the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis of the legs due to the spread of inflammation from the subcutaneous