About thorns and the like

As for thorns, fragments of wood and bone and similar things, you should look: if the vision catches an object and it can be reached with a feather, a bent reed, or a bow string folded in half, then it is pushed or pulled; If the tool for removing the tenon reaches it, then it is better to pull out the tenon. If the stuck object is inaccessible to vision, then the patient should swallow a soup that promotes its slipping, and if this does not help, then hiccups or vomiting are caused with a finger, a feather or medicine. Here is one of the tested remedies: drink every day one dirham of grated watercress with hot water and vomit   this vomits the stuck object; It is best to vomit after a stomach-filling meal. Sometimes a cut piece of meat is tied to a strong thread, swallowed, then pulled out, and the stuck object comes out. Anything stuck can also be removed using dry figs tied to a thread; The figs are lightly chewed and then swallowed. Sometimes they rinse their mouth with the condensed grape juice in which the figs were boiled, this will move the stuck object from its place. Sometimes a medicinal bandage is applied to the outside of the throat, causing some ripening and opening, so that the affected area can be heard and a thorn or similar object will come out by itself. These are, for example, medicinal dressings made from barley flour with olive oil and warm water.