
Phlebolysis is a procedure in which a doctor removes blood clots from the deep veins of the legs. It is performed without general anesthesia and within a few minutes. It is necessary to contact a phlebologist when at least one of the listed signs appears: 1. Heaviness in the legs. 2. Swelling of the lower extremities. 3. Pain in the legs that is constant. 4. Feeling of itching of the skin of the lower extremities or redness in places where the pain is felt more strongly. 5. Cramps in the lower leg muscles. 6. Itching and burning of the skin. 7. Varicose veins. 8. “Gurgling” in the legs when walking. If you find yourself with similar symptoms, you need to urgently make an appointment with a phlebologist. This is a qualified specialist who deals with diseases and pathologies of the body’s venous system. In our clinic, we use all modern diagnostic and treatment methods to help our patients avoid the risk of possible complications. The phlebolysis procedure is safe because it does not involve general anesthesia. The big advantages of phlebolysis are that: no preparatory measures for hospitalization are required, which does not require prior anesthesia;

There are no restrictions during the postoperative period. Thus, phlebolitis can be performed in most cases on an outpatient basis.

Phlebolysis - what is this term?

Phlebolysis or phlebectomy is the surgical removal of superficial veins in combination with capsular lymphadenectomy. The operation is performed in order to avoid complications and achieve long-term remission. This method of treating pathology is the only way out for the formation of blood clots in the deep veins, since drug treatment is ineffective here. How long it takes for the body to recover from surgery depends on the severity of the pathology, the age of the patient, concomitant pathologies and the therapy performed before surgery.

What is phleboilemia *Phleboilemia is a pathology characterized by various disorders of the venous blood flow, as a result of which the veins dilate and blood stagnates in them.*

The phlebolysis operation can be proposed by the patient independently if he suffers from complications of phlebothrombosis disease, including: - the presence of dilated veins in the legs with an asymmetrical appearance; - loss of sensation in the lower extremities; - redness of the skin; - formation of nodes with dilated capillaries; - pain in muscles and legs.

Removal of superficial varicose veins also has contraindications related to the individual characteristics of the patient. Among them are:

* severe heart disease; * diabetes mellitus 2 degrees; * intolerance to anesthesia; * poor health of the patient; * dermatological problems. Also, phlebectomy is not recommended during menstruation. The operation cannot be performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During the period of preparation for manipulation, it is recommended to undergo a full examination, including a medical report on the disease. The treatment strategy is selected individually for each patient, depending on the complexity of the case. It may include conservative treatment or radical manipulation - removal of the affected vein.