Phlebotensiometry Bloody

Introduction Phlebotensometry (venotonometry) is a method for studying venous pressure in the circulatory system of the lower limb.

Description of the study Phlebothesiometry is one of the most common research methods. During the procedure, special cuffs must be used to help measure venous pressure. In a healthy person it ranges from

Bloody phlebotensiometry - see Direct phlebotensiometry.

Phlebotension (phlebo- + English tensior - tension) is a study of superficial venous hemodynamics using a cuff (head), which is inflated with air and creates compression of the overlying veins by 30-40 mm Hg. Art. This value is less than normal in the upper limb at systolic pulse pressure (70-80 mm Hg).

In accordance with the technique, a plethysmogram is recorded in the wrist area and graphically processed using a special program (for example, IBM AS/400), which makes it possible to determine the value of systolic blood volume, outflow and filling, constriction coefficient and other hemodynamic indicators. Recently, a number of domestic and foreign companies have been producing portable devices for phlebotonasometry (pseudo-operator type), in which all of the listed functions are performed automatically. These include devices FPG-01-Biomed, PM-FT6, PTFE (Okamed), VEMKAI (Electromed), the medical complex MFVEP (MFVEP-T, MZPI), etc. They are used to determine the time of venous outflow of blood (TVOC), functional