Photopsia (Photopsia)

Photopsia is the subjective sensation of a flash of light in the eyes. It occurs as a result of mechanical irritation of the retina, which can be caused by various factors. For example, this phenomenon can be observed during eye movement, when the vitreous body stretches and irritates the retina. Photopsia can also occur when the retina is exposed to chemicals or electromagnetic waves.

Photopsia can have various manifestations. For example, it may appear as a bright flash of light or as a flicker. It can also take the form of geometric shapes or color spots.

Photopsia is usually not harmful to health, but it can cause discomfort and discomfort. If you experience photopsia, it is recommended that you see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

In conclusion, photopsia is a phenomenon that can occur as a result of mechanical irritation of the retina. It can have various forms and manifestations, but is usually not dangerous to health. If you experience photopsia, see your doctor for advice and treatment.

Photopsia or light flashes are the subjective sensation of bright flashes or flickering, often accompanied by a feeling of blurriness in the eyes, a sensation of curved lines or breaks in space, and sometimes a loss of visual orientation. These sensations arise as a response to mechanical irritation of the retina, usually when it stretches and vibrates, which is associated with movement of the eye or head.

Although the occurrence of photopsia is quite common, only some of them are considered a symptom of the disease. Typically, photopsia can occur with the following diseases, such as: migraine, Minière's disease, brain tumor, vascular dementia, or

Photopsia is a subjective sensation preceded by mechanical irritation of the sensory cells of the fundus. A similar phenomenon is observed in a number of diseases or conditions against the background of prolonged work behind a monitor screen, with a lack of sleep or sunlight. We can talk about a disease when light flashes lead to a significant deterioration in the patient’s life. Left untreated, it can lead to blindness.

Photopsia is a term used to describe abnormal visual sensations that occur when the cones and/or other structures in the eye and brain responsible for color perception are damaged. It occurs due to mechanical irritation of a certain area of ​​the retina. Photopsia is also called a minor form of photopsychosis - a disorder of perception felt like a flash of light. The sensation may be short-term or long-lasting. The sufferer has problems with reaction, he falls into a stupor, a feeling of unreality of what is happening. There are also complaints of pain. Bright light during photogesis