
-Phrenia (-phrenia) is a suffix of Greek origin used in psychiatric terminology to denote mental disorders and morbid states of mind.

This suffix comes from the Greek word "phren", which means "mind, mind". The addition of the suffix -phrenia makes it possible to form the names of various mental illnesses and conditions associated with disorders of intellectual-mnestic activity.

For example, the word hebephrenia refers to a form of schizophrenia that most often begins in adolescence or young adulthood. Other examples using this suffix:

  1. Schizophrenia
  2. Paranoid schizophrenia
  3. Catatonic schizophrenia
  4. Paranoia
  5. Megalomania

Thus, the suffix -phrenia makes it possible to form medical terms indicating various deviations in the state of the psyche and mind.

Phrenia (-Phrenia) is a suffix that is used to denote a state of mind. The name comes from the Greek word "phrēn", which means "mind" or "soul". This suffix is ​​used in medical terms to refer to various mental health disorders and illnesses.

One of the most famous examples of the use of the suffix "-Phrenia" is hebephrenia. This condition, which most often develops in people during their youth, is a form of schizophrenia. Hebephrenia is characterized by disturbances in thinking, emotionality and behavior. People suffering from this condition may experience hallucinations and delusions. They may also exhibit apathy, indifference to the world around them, as well as difficulties in communication and social adaptation.

Along with hebephrenia, there are many other diseases that use the suffix "-Phrenia". Some of these include paranoid schizophrenia, which is characterized by delusions and frequent hallucinations, and catatonic schizophrenia, which is characterized by catatonic states such as stagnation of movement and weakened muscle tone.

In general, the use of the suffix "-Phrenia" in medical terms helps identify various forms of mental illness. However, it is important to remember that each person is unique and that symptoms and manifestations of the disease may vary depending on individual characteristics and factors. Therefore, if you suspect a mental illness, you should always contact a specialist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Frenemania is a neurotic (hypochondriacal) condition characterized by an overvalued belief that there are unusual changes in the body or in fate - anomalies or diseases.

Etiology explains phrenia as an imperfection of the mental apparatus and has two reasons: 1. inability to cope with stress and adequately respond to emotions; 2. pathology during periods of maturation of higher mental functions in children (5-7 years). To identify phrenia, specialists need to recognize two main symptoms: ideas of relation (confabulations - distorted perception of events of the past, present, future) and overvalued

**Phrenia** is a word of Greek origin that describes a mental disorder or illness characterized by changes in behavior, thinking and emotional state. The term was first coined in 1830 by physician William King Brown. Translated from Latin, the word phrenia means "mind" or "

Phrenia is a psychasthenic syndrome or dementia with a predominance of psychopathy in behavior, which is characterized by reluctance to communicate, severe depressive disorders, and delayed emotional maturation. The development of phrenia usually leads to disability. Manic-depressive states are also known as cyclic affective psychopathy, epileptoid psychopathy - a combination of cyclothymia and psychopathic syndrome. In some cases, the development of phrenia or manic-agitated states can be combined with mental infantilism.

With the development of phrenia, a different course of the disorder is observed (for example, paranoid, mannered, etc.). These disorders serve as the basis for the further development of disorders such as schizophrenia, etc.

As with any mental pathology, the diagnosis of phrenia should be carried out by a highly qualified doctor, so that the identified symptoms and patient history will allow the correct choice of treatment method.

-Phrenia is a medical term that describes a state of mind characterized by a loss of logic and connection between thoughts, speech and behavior. The term "phrenia" is used in various fields of medicine, including psychiatry and psychology. This term was coined by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, who described a syndrome associated with loss of reason. Phrenia has several synonyms, such as "dementia", "retardation", "para-mania", etc.

Phrenia can occur for a variety of reasons, such as genetic brain diseases, aging, injury, or the use of certain substances. Symptoms of phrenia can vary from person to person, but usually include an inability to think logically, memory loss, mood changes, hallucinations and abnormal behavior. In some cases, symptoms may be so severe that they cause disability and require ongoing medical care. It is mistakenly believed that phrenia is a phenomenon of an exclusively mental nature. However, pathological processes can affect all aspects of physical health, such as muscle tone, hormonal levels and the immune system. All this together makes the question of methods of treating phrenia not only a scientific problem, but also a medical ethics, which includes tolerance for manifestations of individuality. Men and women show the same symptoms and signs of the disorder. Among them: - decreased memory and concentration; - disorientation in time, place, loss in space; - aggression, irritability, paranoia, phobias; - impairment of cognitive functions, thinking, lack of logic, incoherent conversation, etc.

Phrenia (from the Greek phren - mind, mind) is a mental disorder characterized by an inadequate and painful response to the surrounding reality.

Symptoms of phrenia are similar to those of schizophrenia, but appear only in relation to communication with other people and the development of psychotic disorders.

1. delusions and hallucinations, 2. fear of people, 3. fear of open space, 4. paranoia, 5. constant aggression 6. persecution mania. Phrenics have a complex of autism or Asperger's syndrome. They may exhibit very striking oddities. People who have never been married and have no children suffer more often. They are reluctant to communicate with work colleagues, many are not able to find a job at all.

A patient with phrenia avoids going outside from his home; he is afraid of communicating with people and unfamiliar places, i.e. prefers to stay in his own comfort zone. He is constantly in his fantasy world, hence also called the inner world

Phrenia - what is it?

**Phrenia** is a psychological disorder characterized by a change in the emotional sphere towards a predominant affect of irritability or anger, as well as extreme suspicion with the emergence of individual delusional ideas of accusation. Along with it, there is a mental anesthesia of feelings of jealousy. In most cases, patients are prone to jealousy due to sexual anxiety, even to the extent of perversions and paraphilias. This disorder is characterized by a predominance of overvalued ideas, suspicion and distrust of other people. People over 50 years of age suffer most from phrenia.

-Hebephrenic changes in the emotional sphere begin to appear already in early childhood, when frequent mood swings, fantasizing, lack of need to communicate with other people, etc. are observed. Over time, these symptoms only worsen, which leads to a significant decrease in intelligence, however there are no symptoms of schizophrenia, autism or other disorders. An important diagnostic sign of hebephrenia is a change in the patient’s personality - here