Deputy (Surrogate)

  1. In psychology, a person or thing in someone's life that is a substitute for someone or something. In the treatment of various sexual disorders, when the patient does not have a partner who could help him in treatment, the substitute attached to him performs the functions of such a sexual partner. According to psychoanalysts, mentally imagined people and objects can be important substitutes or substitutes for someone or something in a person’s life.

  2. In reproduction - see Person replacing the functions of the mother.

A surrogate is a person or thing whose primary function is to interact with other people and to perform the same function or role as the original objects or people. The term has become widely used in psychology, reproduction, and other fields where substitutes or surrogates for original objects or people are required. Let's consider

Substitutes are assistants who take on some of the responsibilities of other people or things. This can be important when we are in a situation in which we need help, but there is no one who can provide it. For example, when everyone at work is busy with tasks, we can turn to a deputy for help. Substitutes can be