Chemical jocks and natural bodybuilders. Who will win?

Body-building, as a type of weightlifting, where there is no competition in the size of the weight lifted, but only the size of the muscles is of interest, appeared in the sixties of the 20th century. It was a little popular sport until the Canadians Joe and Ben Weider figured out how to make money on it. On exercise equipment, clothing and sports nutrition. Already in the seventies and eighties, a wave of passion for bodybuilding covered the planet, and gyms began to appear everywhere. Until the advent of bodybuilding tournaments where you could earn prize money, athletes grew their muscle mass the traditional way: intense training - rich nutrition - recovery.

Naturally, after a way to make money by participating in competitions appeared, many famous athletes stopped working in other places and became professional bodybuilders. The competition among professionals was so high that some of them began to look for the opportunity to increase their muscles with the help of chemicals. Moreover, at this time there was a rapid growth in chemistry. New drugs have appeared. And famous athletes began to use anabolic steroids, which were prescribed for patients with dystrophy. So bodybuilding made a shift from pure sport to chemical sport.

Not all bodybuilders consider it possible and necessary to take anabolic steroids. Yes, the effect is very great. But the side effects are also very large. For many athletes, their health is more important. And they refused to use anabolic steroids. Such athletes received an unspoken name: natural bodybuilders. Accordingly, in contrast to them, “anabolic athletes” began to be called bodybuilders and chemists...

Now, after many years after this division, the methodological approaches to building the body according to these fundamental directions have also changed dramatically. The natural form of “iron sports” is significantly different from steroid bodybuilding. And if you want to become a natural bodybuilder, you must be prepared to spend a lot of time training. And the intensity of training for naturals is much higher than for chemists. You should initially understand that natural bodybuilders will never pump up such muscle volumes as chemists. But still their forms will be decent and impressive. And since this is incomparable, even their bodybuilding federations are different: steroid federations have their own, and naturals have their own. And they have separate competitions.

What I would also like to draw your close attention to is the fact that after the abundant anabolic wave that swept our planet in the 80s and 90s, when almost all athletes took anabolic steroids, natural sports are now gaining popularity again. Today it became it's fashionable to be healthy, and many athletes, for reasons of principle, refuse risky experiments with their one and only body, which is what we sincerely wish for you...

Although, ultimately, everyone has the right to decide for themselves which path to take. Along a short, but dangerous, or a long, winding, exhaustingly long, but reliable...

Which path would you choose? Please unsubscribe in the comments. Have you tried the effects of anabolic drugs on yourself? Are you going to try it? Or do you swing purely without any special equipment? We are waiting for your revelations, don’t be shy...

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