Nura and arsenic

A person who is given both of these together experiences pain and ulcers in the intestines, and a person who is given sublimated arsenic to drink experiences something similar to what happens from shakka, and sometimes develops a painful cough. A person who has been given only Nura to drink experiences dry mouth, pain in the stomach, retention of urine and loss of blood, and Nura comes out in his urine. Sometimes this causes coldness in the extremities, often the tongue dries out and suffocation occurs.

First they do what is needed, then they give them hot water with julab to vomit, or give them oil to drink, and then they take a decoction of flaxseed or rice decoction, as well as indau decoction, separately or together, and squeezed juice of wild mallow with honey and drink this. The patient is constantly given milk, mucus, sticky and oily substances and fatty soups to drink, especially with wild mallow. A cough, if it begins, is treated with emollients. They also treat nura with emetics and enemas and try to cover it with fat and soften the insides. The treatment here is close to the treatment for Spanish flies. They say, among other things, that for treatment you should take donkey urine and gazelle bile and give them two danaks in hot water to drink.