Signs of stomach damage beyond nature

As for the signs of excessive stomach size, this is, firstly, the stomach’s ability to tolerate large amounts of food. When it is full, the insides fit well together and are connected to each other, and when it is empty, it shrinks and the insides seem to hang and dangle freely. A sign of a small stomach is that it does not accept large amounts of food and is filled before saturation; signs of blockages formed between the liver and stomach, moisture and abundance of feces, thirst, the transition of the complexion to dropsy and the beginning of that disordered state, the best known name of which is perhaps “disorder of nature” or “disorder of assimilation.” Signs of blockages formed between the spleen and the stomach are thirst and a large size of the spleen, and as for the signs of blockages formed between the stomach and intestines, these are the phenomena of intestinal obstruction or kulanja. Signs of blockages formed between the stomach and the brain are poor appetite, although the nature of the stomach is healthy and digestion remains in good condition if there is no obstruction, little sensitivity when swallowing very hot and spicy foods, and also that there are no hiccups when drinking falafili and wash it down with wine on an empty stomach. Signs of winds include a feeling of fullness in the stomach, in the sides and under the false ribs, food floating to the top and an abundance of winds that descend or come out when belching. Know that if the palpator detects hardening and thinning between the stomach and liver, this is a sign that foreshadows the dissipation of nature