Phrenic Nerve Point

The phrenic nerve is an important nerve of the diaphragm and chest that controls breathing and allows movement of the chest. However, sometimes this nerve can become damaged or pinched, which can lead to breathing problems and other serious consequences. In such cases, doctors may recommend diaphragm surgery to repair the nerve and alleviate the patient's suffering.

However, there is another method of treatment for pinched phrenic nerve - this is acupressure manipulation. The phrenic nerve point (Geno de Mussi) is located in a certain area at the junction of the muscles of the shoulder and chest, and when exposed to it, blood circulation improves and metabolism in the affected area is stimulated.

The Geno de Musi acupressure technique requires specialized training and experience. There are several different methods, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. One of these methods is called **needle puncture** - the doctor uses a thin needle, which is inserted into the Geno point and slowly moves it to the area of ​​​​the affected nerve. This can help restore circulation to the area and relieve pinched nerves.

Another variation of the point method is called **Zhao Qianjuan**, which means “Skip the finger.” The doctor moves his hand around the affected area of ​​the phrenic nerve, passing his fingers through specific points in the patient's body. This technique deeply affects muscles and tissues, stimulates blood circulation and restores the function of nerve fibers.

Another method is **point cauterization** - at Geno points, the doctor uses special needles or electrodes to create a burn on the skin, which can stimulate blood circulation and reduce pinched nerves. Although this procedure has not been proven to be effective, it is often used to repair the phrenic nerve.