
Frenocardia is a phenomenon where one or more of the thoracic ribs and surrounding tissue become inflamed and form a hard ball, which can cause chest pain and difficulty breathing. This condition can be caused by a number of reasons, such as infections, injuries, allergies or inflammatory diseases, and may require medical intervention. In this article we will look at the nature and symptoms of frenocardia, as well as methods of its treatment.

Frenocardia is an extremely rare disease. The pathology is associated with pathological changes in the fascial septa of the rib frame, which become inflamed. X-ray their contours become unclear, and the intercostal spaces can increase up to 3 cm. The patient's chest looks barrel-shaped. On the front wall, parallel to the chest, you can see a cone-shaped protrusion. It is not mobile, has a convex shape. Symptoms of frenocarditis:

sharp burning pain behind the sternum; Swallowing disorders are less likely; breathing becomes shallow, shallow; a panic attack appears. Without the help of a specialist, the disease will progress. Patients report difficulty breathing and bluish skin. Hospitalization is a prerequisite for diagnosis. Often the pathology has a mixed genesis, that is, its appearance is caused by several reasons. For example, this situation arises in the case of a combination of previous rib damage with the progression of infectious inflammation.