
Pica or pica, also known as pica and picaphilia, is a pathological desire to eat inedible or unhealthy things. Pica is more common among young children, although adults can also suffer from it - to the point of insanity. The exact causes of pica are still unknown, but scientists speculate that it may be related to certain nutritional deficiencies. Pica can be caused by a deficiency of iron, copper, zinc, calcium or other minerals, as well as a deficiency of vitamin B12 or protein. This act also

Pica, or Pica, is an eating disorder that involves persistent eating of non-edible objects or substances, usually rocks, grass, or threads of clothing. This disorder was first described in 1882 by John Beck, a psychiatrist from Scotland. At the time, pica was considered an unacceptable and unhealthy form of eating behavior, and many doctors and psychiatrists considered the problem untreatable. However, over time, new discoveries have been made that provide new information about this condition. For example, there is a hypothesis according to which pica may be caused by a deficiency of minerals in the body, namely iron.

Pica most often appears in early childhood, but can also occur in people suffering from mental illness or in people who are physically healthy but not very physically hungry. Many parents begin to panic and try to stop this behavior, fearing that their child may cause serious harm to himself by eating an item that cannot be digested or contains harmful substances. Experts believe that pica is useful only when it is used to study the world around us, as it helps the child learn to feel the difference between edible and inedible objects. Adults should help children understand why eating inedible substances is dangerous to their health, for example, by talking about what consequences can happen when eating grass, branches or stones.

Treatment for pica depends on the cause of the disorder. If it is caused by a deficiency of microelements, then it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it, as well as adjust the diet. If pica is caused by mental problems, it is recommended to consult a specialist psychologist or psychiatrist. In difficult cases, medications may be used.