Picture of Chigoe (Chigoe)

Sand flea (Chigoe) is a genus of parasitic insects from the flea family. These are small wingless fleas that parasitize a variety of mammals and birds in tropical and subtropical regions.

The main host of the Sand Flea is humans. Females penetrate human skin and lay eggs there. The larvae, upon hatching, begin to feed on the host's tissues, causing severe itching and inflammation. This can lead to serious infections.

The sand flea is common in Central and South America, Africa, India and other tropical regions. To prevent infection, regular skin examination and wearing closed shoes are recommended. If a parasite is detected, you should remove it as quickly as possible and treat the area with an antiseptic.


The chigoe, also known as the sand flea, is one of the smallest and sneakiest insects on the planet. The size of this insect is only a few millimeters. However, despite its size, the sand flea is dangerous to humans and other animals, as it can cause various diseases and infections.


The sand flea belongs to the family Tungidae, which includes about 50 species of fleas most common in Central and South America. Chigoe ranges in size from 2 to 4 mm. Its body is flat and smooth, brown in color. The head is wide in comparison with the body, and the legs are thin and long. The eyes are sandy colored and appear bulging. Sand fleas are very mobile and can move quickly across surfaces.


Sand fleas spend most of their time on the ground or sand. They dig holes where they hide at night. During the day they go hunting, where they feed on the blood of animals and people. Chigoes prefer to bite the face, arms, legs and hair, and often bite the stomach and buttocks. If a person reacts to the bite, an allergic reaction may occur. Blocks can transmit a number of diseases: bacterial gonorrhea, chlamydia, lymphogranulomatosis venereum. But the main purpose of these insects is the transfer of allergens and pathogens of intestinal infections.

An extremely unpleasant neighborhood - that’s what the gerbil fly means. At first glance, the little fly even attracts attention with its furry appearance and bright eyes, but despite their visual attractiveness, these insects deserve the highest level of disgust.

Fluffy gray or red flies with huge red eyes cause truly colossal harm to people who are attacked by their small legs. The scarier and more brutal the insect