Double pyelography

**Pyelography** is a method of x-ray examination of the genitourinary system, which uses a gas-forming or liquid contrast agent. The procedure is performed through the bladder. Pyelography is considered a radiation diagnostic method. Before the invention of radiology, doctors could

Pyelography in medicine Introductory Pyelography is a type of radiography of the kidneys, pelvic bones and bladder. The test is performed to determine the condition of the patient's kidneys, bladder and ureters and can be used to diagnose various urinary tract diseases.

Usually, during pyelography, two or more pictures are taken in different projections, which allows you to assess the condition of the kidneys in more detail.

There are several methods of pyelography procedure, depending on how the image is presented. Let us list the main types of pyelogram: * **Retrograde pyelography**. This procedure involves injecting a contrast agent into the back of the ureter, followed by a series of X-rays that show the kidneys, bladder, urethra and other organs. * **Antegrade study**. This method involves injecting liquid contrast through the front of the urinary tract (bladder) and then taking a series of x-rays. This helps visualize the entire urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. * **"Double J"** pyelogram. This method is a combination of antegrade and retrograde pyelograms. Double J uses a specialized catheter that allows contrast material to be injected through the urethra and bladder and then pulled back through the ureters. This technique provides the most detailed picture of the genitourinary system on an x-ray. It can be used for various kidney conditions such as nephrolithiasis (kidney stones), kidney tumors, etc.

It is very important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications of pyelographic examination in advance. Among them: pregnancy, recent menopause or blood transfusion, infectious diseases, allergy to the components of the contrast agent.