
Piloarrection is a medical term that describes a condition where hair on a person's body grows in the wrong direction. This may occur due to genetic factors, hormonal imbalances, or other reasons.

Piloarrection can be both a cosmetic problem and a medical one. If hair grows in the wrong direction, it can cause skin irritation and breakouts. In addition, it may cause discomfort and inconvenience when wearing clothes or using cosmetics.

To treat piloarrection, you must consult a dermatologist. He will conduct an examination and determine the cause of this condition. Depending on the cause, your doctor may prescribe treatment to help restore hair growth to the correct direction.

If piloarrection is caused by genetic factors, treatment may be difficult. However, in some cases, cosmetics or treatments can be used to reduce the amount of body hair.

In general, piloarrection is common, but treatment is possible. It is important to consult a specialist to determine the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

History of the study of the problem of piloarrection

One of the first medical studies on the causes of piloarrectis is the doctoral dissertation of Hugo Bean, who in 1900 presented his work on this topic at the Swiss Society of Anatomy. In this work, he refers to a large number of studies he has conducted on the functional properties of erectile tissue and shows promising results.

In 1923, the already well-known doctor Arthur Thomas Jackson first introduced the term “piloerection” as the name of the disease, when, presumably, he was engaged in the surgical removal of piloa in patients suffering from skin congestion.