Intoxication Metaphysical

Metaphysical intoxication - an article about the necessity and importance of “getting used to” the transcendent without losing clear consciousness, or the philosophy of intoxicated clarity

Intoxication by metaphysical intoxication (in English - METAPHYSICAL INTOXICATION) is the effect of the accumulation of endorphins - the end products of protein metabolism that have a cellular analgesic effect, which has a calming and euphoric effect on a person. They may have a psychostimulating effect. Physiological activity of the brain increases. A kind of “high” develops, a subjective feeling of well-being is observed, euphoria arises, emotional reactivity increases, spatial orientation develops, but the objective perception of the surrounding world is obscured and distorted. Every activity is rethought. Feelings of joy, jubilation, delight, happiness are absolutely excessive and are observed even in the case of actually unpleasant, poisonous circumstances. A person can commit a crime, an immoral act, an ordinarily inexplicable event or act. In addition, there is a weakening of instincts, reason, emotions, a slower response and an increased level of activity in the emotional sphere, increased susceptibility to the experience of fear, pleasure, excitement, and acceleration of associative thinking processes. A person becomes impressionable and develops a feeling of loneliness. These factors should be taken into account when considering philosophical existence. As it is written in popular scientific works: “Research has shown that cocaine accelerates the transition between the physical receptors of nerve cells and their transmitters and increases the heart rate, constricts the pupils and causes a decrease in emotional tension” and

Metaphysical intoxication is a type of poisoning of a person’s consciousness with various philosophical dogmas, theories and teachings that lead to a distorted perception of the world and feelings. This phenomenon can be considered as a type of religious toxicity - that is, the action of toxic substances in the body caused by the use of narcotic substances. Poisoning comes to a greater extent from the systematic abuse of philosophical literature, reading books, magazines, listening to lectures, analyzing oral transmission, etc. Symptoms of this poisoning with prolonged use of intoxicating knowledge begin to appear in thoughts, feelings, lifestyle, behavior, in everything a person’s actions, his attitude to the environment, to the team, to himself, to his affairs and tasks. These symptoms indicate philosophical intoxication, which is easy to recognize both among healthy people and people suffering from mental and physical health problems. Symptoms of spiritual intoxication

Metaphysical Intoxication: Diving into the Depths of Philosophy

In the world of modern sciences and research, philosophy occupies a special place. It allows us to ask deep questions about the nature of existence, the meaning of life, and the role of man in the Universe. However, there is such a concept as “metaphysical intoxication,” which opens up new horizons for understanding philosophy and its impact on our thinking and consciousness.

Metaphysical intoxication, also known as philosophical intoxication, is a state where we delve into the depths of metaphysical thoughts and concepts to such an extent that they begin to have a strong impact on our perception of reality. This state is similar to how we can be overcome by emotions and euphoria when using drugs, only here the main effect occurs on the mind and thinking.

During metaphysical intoxication, we become immersed in various metaphysical questions and thoughts, which may include topics such as the nature of reality, the essence of time, free will, the meaning of life, and much more. These questions do not have clear answers and often provoke deep thought and debate.

Metaphysical intoxication can occur both when studying philosophy on our own and when discussing these issues with other people, especially those who share our interests and passions in the field of philosophy. In such moments, we can feel a special state of euphoria and inspiration, when thoughts and ideas permeate our mind, opening up new ways of understanding the world.

However, as with any intoxication, there is a danger of overload and loss of balance. Metaphysical intoxication can lead to excessive deliberation in philosophical reflection, which can distract us from everyday life and responsibilities. Also, delving too deeply into metaphysical questions can cause a feeling of meaninglessness and alienation from the world around us.

To avoid the negative consequences of metaphysical intoxication, it is important to maintain a balance between philosophical reflections and everyday reality. Philosophy should serve as a source of inspiration and expansion of our horizons of understanding, but should not turn into a narrow, closed world of thoughts, separating us from reality. Therefore, it is recommended to include philosophical reflection in your life as part of an overall balance between the intellectual and emotional spheres.

Metaphysical intoxication can be a source of great discoveries and new ways of thinking. It allows us to ask deep questions about the nature of reality and our place in it. It can inspire us to find meaning and purpose in life, and to develop our moral and ethical beliefs.

In conclusion, metaphysical intoxication opens up a unique opportunity for us to immerse ourselves in the world of philosophy and deep reflection. It can be a source of inspiration and expansion of our cognitive horizons. However, it is important to remember the need to maintain balance and connection with everyday reality. Philosophy should be a tool that helps us better understand the world and ourselves, and not lead us away from our lives.