
An alias for the term “Piloero syndrome” (the second name for the disease). A disease in which, during tactile contact and emotional excitement, “goosebumps” or tingling occurs in the fingers due to excitement. This unpleasant problem is associated with impaired blood supply to the fingers, more often with a decrease in their blood supply. This disorder is caused by spasms of the muscles of the fingers, but it is also possible to have a circulatory disorder without this. That is, the cause of the disease is not eliminated, but more often remains in the stage of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Spasms can last for several days, then go away and to consolidate the effect you need to calm them down.

Piloerection, also called “false erection,” is a condition in which the skin on certain parts of the body becomes firmer and hotter, but without a true penile erection. The phenomenon is usually associated with increased body temperature, profuse sweating, dilation of blood vessels in the armpits, pubic area and sometimes in other parts of the body. Some women who report this reaction during exercise may view it as a form of reverse orgasm that is not associated with sexual arousal. Other people blame stress, muscle strain, discomfort from clothing, or environmental humidity for this condition. Doctors