
A pylorectomy is a surgical operation to remove the pyloric portion of the stomach.

Indications for pylorectomy:

  1. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum with localization of the ulcer in the pylorus area.

  2. Cicatricial strictures of the pylorus.

  3. Pyloric tumors (benign and malignant).

There are several types of pylorectomy:

  1. Pylorectomy with gastrojejunostomy is the most common type of operation. After removing the pylorus, an anastomosis is created between the stomach and duodenum.

  2. Pylorectomy with gastroduodenoanastomosis. The anastomosis is formed between the stomach and duodenum.

  3. Pylorectomy with pyloroplasty - only the changed part of the pylorus is removed, followed by restoration of the integrity of the pylorus.

Pylorectomy can be performed either open or laparoscopically. The postoperative period usually proceeds smoothly. Complications rarely develop. After pylorectomy, the patency of the stomach and intestines is not impaired.