Pylorotomy by Frede

Pylorotomy according to Freda for “pylorostomy” and other misconceptions of young doctors

**Pylorotomy (pylorotomy)** is a surgical operation consisting of the intersection (open or laparoscopic) of the pylorus of the stomach (pyloric zone of the duodenum). It is performed when the area of ​​the pylorus is narrowed, as well as with congenital and acquired defects (fistulas) of the pyloric zone and part of the intestine.\n\nBasically, pylorotomy can be divided into two types: reconstructive and palliative (usually performed on elderly patients; its essence is temporary maintaining the patency of the gastrointestinal tract).\n\nPylorotomy according to Fred (Fred), pilorotomy according to Frer (Frerin), Frede-Ramstedd (Frede-Ramschadt) and its modifications\nProcedures known by the principle of medical surgery bear the name of the author of this interventions. The 50s of the last century were marked by the development of original surgical schemes