Pimozide (Pimozide)

Pimozide is an antipsychotic medication that is used to treat hallucinations and delusions in schizophrenia. It is usually prescribed internally.

Pimozide has a number of side effects that may occur during its use. The most common are skin rashes and tremors. In addition, people taking pimozide may perform abnormal movements.

Trade names for pimozide include Ogar. In some countries this medicine may only be available with a prescription.


Pimozide is a medicine used to treat hallucinosis and delusions in schizophrenia. It belongs to the group of antipsychotic drugs, which means that it helps normalize the psychomotor behavior of patients. Pimozide has been treating schizophrenia for several decades, and to this day it remains one of the most effective drugs for this diagnosis. This article will introduce you to the basic properties of pimozide, indications for its use, side effects and other aspects related to the use of this drug.



The main active ingredient of pimozide is its monovalent form - peritiridate. Its effectiveness in eliminating hallucinosis is due to the fact that it acts on the so-called dophan receptors, which are specific brain tissues that are sensitive to the exchange of neurotransmitters in the brain. Peritiridate inhibits the D2 receptor, resulting in suppression of dophan activity. On the other hand, increased dopamine activity can cause hallucinations, delusions and other psychopathological phenomena observed in schizophrenia in people with treatment-resistant mental illness. Therefore, rrimizide is considered to be effective in the treatment of delusions and hallucinatory symptoms caused by the activity of D2 receptors in the brain in some forms of mental disorders.

Indications for use

The use of pimozidome is indicated in the treatment of various forms of schizophreia and other psychotic disorders. The medicine is also widely used to combat manic and hypomanic states in bipolar disorder, and pain of various origins. The drug is also prescribed to patients with maniasis due to the characteristic course of this pathology.

Side effects

The antipsychotic effect of pimozidome is manifested in many side effects:

• Skin rash; • Abnormal tremors of the limbs; • • Muscle rigidity, muscle spasms;

> Drowsiness; <