
An important tool needed for manicure and pedicure is tweezers or scissors, which can have both aesthetic and practical uses. Although both tools seem similar, they have their own characteristics and can be used in different situations. In this article, we will look at the difference between tweezers and scissors, their characteristics and use in professional and home settings.

Tools for manicure Both of these tools - tweezers and scissors - are an indispensable attribute of a manicurist and pedicurist. However, they have different purposes and applications. For example: * Tweezers have pointed tips and help the artist to carefully remove cuticles and around the nails * Scissors are designed to remove length on the nails and help control their shape * Both of these tools allow the artist to save time and energy, making his work easier and increasing productivity. Features of Tweezers **Sharpening Type:** Two main forms of tweezer sharpening - straight and arched - are used depending on what you want to do the job with. Both types of sharpening provide optimal grip along the contour of the tip, but with a straight sharpening you can precisely follow the contours of the nail, and with an arched sharpening you can keep your finger against the tips. **Tip Shape:** With sharp (straight) tips, tweezers are ideal for working on hard-to-reach areas such as the cuticle. The angular tips help you draw and erase shapes. Clients with softer skin may prefer the rounded tip design as it is gentler on the cuticles. Tip length also affects grip depth and may vary depending on your practice. **Instrument Disinfection:** Use a gentle disinfectant to give the instrument a final wipe down after use to ensure customer safety. Tweezers for medical use are usually made of stainless steel, which does not have sharp edges, so they can be subjected to aggressive processing. If you are using high quality metal tweezers, almost any good disinfectant will work. But make sure that the device meets the requirements described in the instructions for the product. ***Technique to Use:*** Once you have experience with the blade, know that this art will help you get rid of cuticles and perform more advanced nail and cuticle treatments. Some clients may find it somewhat unpleasant to use a sharp tool on their cuticles, although speed and precision are often more important than comfort for an experienced professional. Choose the performance style that is most comfortable for you. Some people find it more convenient to use tweezers: they are smaller than scissors and more maneuverable. Tweezers This is a sharp instrument that is used specifically for