

Country of origin Austria

Manufacturer: Merkle GmbH (Austria), Venters GmbH (Germany)

Release form: 5 mg and 10 mg tablets

**Compound**. The active substance is pirenzepine hydrochloride.

*Colecalciferol* is a drug that promotes the absorption of vitamin D3 into the blood in the intestines. Has a central antiulcer effect. **Dosage regimen** The recommended dose is 5-10 mcg/day. The daily dose can be divided into two doses of 2.5-5 mcg or three doses of 1.7-3.4 mcg. Peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum are preferably treated with tablets as prescribed by a doctor. During treatment, heart failure should be observed and reported, such as cough, poor tolerance with accommodation disorder, as well as the presence of diseases that create additional contraindications and necessity