Artificial food

A nutritious and balanced diet is the key to human health. A balanced diet helps keep our body in good shape and fight digestive problems. But what if, due to some circumstances, we cannot feed ourselves? We are talking about artificial nutrition and today we will figure out how it works, how it works and what alternatives there are. With the help of artificial nutrition, the doctor can provide nutrients to the patient. This is an excellent solution when patients require long-term treatment and recovery at the bedside. A person does not experience vomiting and the need to monitor food or drink. All he has to do is take food or liquid through a tube. And don't forget that it is safe for your body!

Tube feeding is the introduction of a full or partial volume of nutritional composition into the stomach by inserting a tube into the stomach through the mouth. This type of nutrition is used as additional or artificial nutrition. A special type of artificial feeding through a tube designed for parenteral administration of liquid or powdered therapeutic nutrition is used when it is impossible to provide nutrition through the mouth and gastrointestinal tract or when it is necessary to replace (partial or complete) the function of the gastrointestinal tract. In cases of extremely severe infection or toxicosis, tube feeding is required every four hours. A type of feeding through an umbrella is for intestinal obstruction, when it is impossible to feed the child by mouth. Also used for alcohol or food poisoning, when detoxification is required, and if the patient is not given food due to vomiting