Von Willebrand-Jurgens Constitutional Thrombopathy

Von Willebrands-Jurgents constitutional thrombopathy.

Von Willebranda Jurgens constitutional thrombopathy is a disease characterized by the destruction of platelets with increased blood clotting due to a problem in platelets - the disease is fragility and insufficiency. Which leads to disruption of the blood clotting process. Willebrand Olsgerd is a Finnish doctor who discovered this diagnosis in 1929. Jurgens Rudolf is a German, he complemented Willebrand's discovery, which helped determine the principles of treatment for this disease. The fragility of platelets means that they are easily destroyed, which means they may not fuse together to form a clot. As a result, the formation of a blood clot turns out to be a complex process. The destruction of platelets can cause many serious diseases. Platelet dysfunction occurs due to internal defects or the influence of external

Introduction: Von Willebrand-Jurgens thrombopathy is a rare inherited disorder that causes bleeding disorders, resulting in frequent bleeding and bruising.

Characteristics of the disease:

· The main cause of the syndrome is a mutation of the gene in the blood plasma that controls the synthesis of Willebrandt factor (VWF).

**Von Willebrand-Jurgen constitutional thrombocytopenia** is a hereditary disease of the blood system, which is manifested by an increase in bleeding time and a tendency to multiple hemorrhages. The disease is caused by a mutation in the VWF (von Willebrand factor) gene, which is responsible for the synthesis of factor VIII, which, in turn, is involved in blood clotting and blood clot formation.
