Nutrient Medium Semi-liquid

Strength material, thermomech, hydraulics, TGM? A semi-fluid medium is a viscous medium. Viscosity is proportional to concentration. What concentration is most optimal for viscous media? The answer depends on what task you need to complete. Maybe you need a semi-liquid putty for bonding masonry or other construction uses. Or should you make a boat motor from this medium and install it on your water scooter? Okay, let's try to create a short story about a nutrient semi-liquid medium. So, its main feature is viscosity. Semi-liquid media are mainly used to prevent leakage from waste products of microorganism colonies to sensors for monitoring nutrient media. With the help of a slight stickiness (viscous) characteristic, bacterial colonies can be placed on individual nodes of a complex system.

We, as it were, place an adult colony on the edge of the experimental semi-liquid and hit the edge of the test tube from below with a glass rod. Everything happens