Placenta Double Disc

Article outline:

1. Basic information about the placenta 1.1 Functions of the placenta 1.2 Structure of the placenta 1.3 Description of the double-disc placenta 2. Characteristics of the double-disc placenta 3. Embryonic factors affecting the growth of the discs 4. Clinical use of the double-disc placenta 5. Examples of several clinical cases of the use of double-disc placentas in obstetric practice

Relevance: The article will discuss a current topic for readers - double-disc placentas. The emphasis is on the relevance of placenta research, studying its role in the health, growth and development of the fetus. Description of the placenta: Placentas are structures that provide communication between the fetus and the mother's placenta during pregnancy. In addition, they also help oxygenate the fetus, remove carbon dioxide, and remove fetal metabolites from the mother's blood. They are composed of several layers, including the decidua, chorionic plate, blood barrier and trophoblast. When a baby is born, the placentas begin to separate, leaving postpartum bleeding in their place. Two unique placental shapes are the double-disc and spherical shapes. Both forms can be used to treat a variety of medical problems and are well documented in the medical literature. The article discusses the features of each of them and their applicability in medicine.