Placode Lens

Placode crystalline is one of the most common anomalies in modern ophthalmology. It manifests itself as a change in the thickness of the lens of the eye, which can lead to various vision problems. This pathology occurs in both adults and children, but most often occurs in women.

Placode crystalline is a change in the structure of the lens, in which it becomes thicker and less transparent. This condition can cause a variety of vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

One of the reasons for the development of such an anomaly is heredity. If there have already been cases of similar diseases in the family, the risk increases. The disease can also be triggered by eye injuries or various diseases that are accompanied by changes in the structure of the lens and its enlargement.

Although crystalline placode is widespread, it is not a fatal disease. However, if not treated at an early age, you may experience vision problems in the future.

Self-medication for crystalline placode is unacceptable. For diagnosis, you need to contact an ophthalmologist who will examine your eyes, do the necessary tests and choose the optimal treatment method.

One of the effective ways to treat placode is the use of special lenses that help correct vision for this anomaly. They also have a corrective effect on the cornea of ​​the eye and correct vision defects. Modern lenses for therapy are of high quality, easy to use, and made individually for each patient.

It is also important for people with this diagnosis to undergo regular examinations with a doctor and use moisturizing eye drops. This will help maintain eye health and prevent the development of other pathologies.

If the crystalline placode causes decreased vision and leads to serious consequences, more complex treatment may be required, including surgery.

*Placode Khrustalikova* is an important ophthalmological concept that is used in the diagnosis and treatment of various eye diseases. This term is often used by ophthalmologists and surgeons who work in large specialized clinics in the country. Why is this pathology so important? Its significance lies both in its ability to diagnose serious illnesses and in how effectively it is cured.

Description of the disease Placode Khrustalev is a disease characterized by changes on the surface of the cornea that affect the epithelial cells on its surface. This can lead to decreased vision and a deterioration in the quality of life of patients, so Khrustalev’s placode is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. However, how dangerous is the placode and what symptoms can it exhibit?

*The onset of the disease* may be asymptomatic, but over time, symptoms such as excessive lacrimation, dry eyes, burning, a feeling of “sand in the eyes,” redness appear. As the disease progresses, the cornea becomes cloudy and the cornea becomes gray or green in color. Patients complain of eye fatigue and blurred or loss of vision. In severe cases of the disease, swelling of the cornea and a decrease in its transparency may occur.

If you ignore this pathology, complications such as corneal erosion or scar formation are possible. It is also possible to develop a corneal ulcer. All this worsens the patient’s vision and quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary not to hesitate in contacting specialists and treating the disease in its early manifestations.

This disease occurs as a result of infection of the body with the bacterium Placo-Staphylococcus. When these bacteria enter the eyes, they activate an inflammatory process that affects the surface of the cornea. Inflammation destroys epithelial cells and leads to their desquamation. This impairs the transparency of the cornea and can lead to vision loss.

*Diagnosis* of this disease is carried out using ophthalmoscopy and other diagnostic methods. It is important to understand that any patient complaining of dry eyes should contact an ophthalmologist to check and diagnose this pathology. After diagnosis, treatment is carried out. This may include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and local treatments. Treatment is aimed at maintaining corneal transparency and preventing complications. In severe cases, surgery may be required.


So, crystalline placode is a serious eye pathology that requires timely treatment to prevent its negative consequences. The most effective way to combat the disease is to prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs