Cloak of the Brain

Brain cloak: how to hide your thoughts and ideas?

Brain cloak is a term that describes a person's ability to hide their thoughts, ideas, and emotions from others. This ability can be useful in a variety of situations, such as when it is necessary to show respect for another's point of view, or to protect one's personal space. However, sometimes the brain cloak can lead to serious consequences, especially if its use becomes obsessive and dominant. Today we will look at the history of the brain cloak, its causes and ways to overcome this problem.

The history of the brain cloak

The term "cloak of the brain" was first coined by Carl Jung in his book Psychoanalysis and Belief in Spirits. Jung described the cerebral cloaks as “instruments” used by people to protect their thoughts and beliefs from criticism or change from external factors. He also saw capes as "patterns of thought and a way of interacting with the world" that allowed people to maintain their identity and resilience.

Causes of brain cloaks

One of the main causes of head cloaks is the fear of criticism and judgment from others. People can use the brain cloak to protect their identity and maintain their confidence in their own ideas. They may fear that their ideas will be rejected or ridiculed if they express them openly.

Another reason is insufficient knowledge and understanding of ourselves. People who do not know their true thoughts and feelings may