Plaster Circular Bandage

A circular plaster cast is a medical product used to fix limbs during the treatment of various injuries and diseases. This bandage is a modification of the plaster cast bandage and differs in that it has open edges, which allows for more effective ventilation and speeds up the healing process.

The circular plaster bandage is so named because it is applied using a special device - a circular saw. This saw has a round blade with notches that it uses to cut the plaster tape, forming a bandage of the desired shape and size. To apply a circular plaster bandage to the patient’s limb, first apply a wetsuit, which protects the skin from direct contact with the plaster and moisture. A plaster strip is then applied to the limb, which is cut with a circular saw and attached to the wetsuit.

Circular plaster bandage is widely used in medicine for the treatment of bone fractures, sprains and other limb injuries. It provides a secure fit, helps reduce pain and swelling, and prevents further tissue damage. In addition, thanks to the ability to provide ventilation, a circular plaster cast reduces the risk of developing infections and other complications.

However, the use of a circular plaster bandage also has some disadvantages. Firstly, it does not allow checking the condition of the tissues and mobility of the limb without removing the plaster. Secondly, with prolonged use of a circular plaster bandage, muscle atrophy and a decrease in bone density in the area of ​​fixation may occur. Therefore, long-term use of a circular plaster bandage requires careful monitoring by doctors and regular physical therapy.

In general, a circular plaster cast is an effective and widely used method of treating injuries and diseases of the extremities. However, before using it, it is necessary to take into account all its advantages and disadvantages and take measures to prevent possible complications.