
Plastic surgery is a branch of modern aesthetic medicine that deals with the restoration and improvement of facial shapes. Despite its popularity, plastic surgery still causes controversial opinions and criticism from the public and the professional community. One of the main questions that arises when discussing this topic is the question of how safe and effective plastic surgery is. In this article we will look at the main advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery and try to understand this issue.

One of the main advantages of plastic surgery is the ability to restore youth to the face, which cannot be achieved with the help of cosmetics. Plastic surgery helps remove wrinkles, correct the shape of the nose and lips, and tighten the skin of the face and neck, which makes us younger and more attractive. It is important to note that most operations are performed using gentle methods and modern technologies, which reduce the risk of complications and shorten the rehabilitation period.

However, like any medical procedure, plastic surgery has its risks. One of the most common disadvantages is the high cost of the procedures, which not everyone can afford. In addition, risks are associated with the possibility of developing complications in the postoperative period, including scarring, infection and even tissue deformation. This is especially important to consider when performing complex operations such as liposuction or part of the face transplant.

It is also important to remember that even with the most modern techniques, plastic surgery cannot completely replace the natural aging process. After removing wrinkles and other skin defects, changes occur in the deeper layers where the aging process begins, and these changes cannot be reversed.

Many of us consider plastic surgery because appearance plays a huge role in our lives. However, the decision to undergo surgery must be made consciously and taking into account all possible risks and consequences. If you are really ready for this, then be sure to consult with a highly qualified specialist who will help you make an informed decision. It is worth noting that recently more and more clinics are offering plastic surgery, in which it is possible to maintain access to normal embryonic stem cells. This gives a much greater chance that the patient’s body will cope with possible complications. Today, patients are guaranteed quick results, complete healing and no side effects. Another important advantage is the ability to preserve your own epidermis. It allows you to lose weight, reduce the appearance of cellulite, straighten the jaw line and other imperfections in appearance. Today, there are many different types of plastic surgery, allowing you to choose the most suitable option for each specific case.

In general, we can say that plastic surgery is a real way to solve many problems associated with changes in appearance. However, the choice of this procedure must be justified and informed in order to minimize risks and obtain the desired result without negative consequences.