
According to Wikipedia, Platidam or platidiam is a drug from the group of alkylating antitumor drugs.

Currently, in the total global production of alkylating antitumor drugs of the alkyl azides group (cisplatin in the form of the drug Platidam) it occupies a significant share - about 60%. The product is used to combat neoplasms of various localizations. Cisplatin (the main active ingredient) is used in the treatment of malignant neoplasms of the prostate, testicles and cervix. The drug improves the length and quality of life of patients suffering from malignant tumors.

Antiemetic and antiemetic agent (without sedative effect), used for nausea and vomiting of any origin. The pharmacological effect is due to the blockade of H1-histamine receptors. Vertigo occurs due to irritation of the otolithic apparatus, as well as resulting vestibular crises.