Play with the Dough

Put your little chef on an apron and let him prepare a batch of dough for the game. Lay out some newspaper or large plastic bags on the table (you can cut up grocery store bags and unwrap them) and give him a large bowl with a wooden spoon and a measuring cup. Help your child measure and mix together the following ingredients: 1.5 cups flour, 0.5 tablespoons salt, 0.25 cups water (add slowly), and 0.25 cups vegetable oil (add slowly). When the dough thickens, have your child knead it with their hands. Add some food coloring to the water before mixing.

Keep it fresh
Carefully packaged in a plastic bag, the game dough can be stored in the refrigerator for weeks. If it is a little dry, brush the top with vegetable oil.

While you are making dinner for the family, your child will be preparing delicacies from the dough for dolls, toy animals, or just for his own pleasure. He can take orders from his customers and deliver food to them on paper or plastic plates. By providing your baby with plastic dishes, napkins, pen and paper, restaurant menus, and receipts, you will bring him great joy.