Plethysmography Mechanical

Plethysmography is a method of studying blood circulation based on measuring the volume of blood in different parts of the body. This method is used to diagnose various diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, thrombosis and others.

Mechanical plethysmography is one of the most common methods for measuring blood volume. It is carried out using a special system that transmits changes in organ volume to a recording device, for example, a computer monitor or an oscilloscope. This system consists of two main components: a hydraulic or pneumatic system and a sensor.

The hydraulic system consists of a tube filled with fluid that passes through the organ to be examined. When the volume of an organ changes, the fluid in the tube also changes, which leads to a change in pressure in the system. The sensor registers this change in pressure and transmits it to a recording device.

A pneumatic system works on a similar principle, but uses air instead of liquid. This system also allows you to measure changes in organ volume and transmit them to a recording device.

The mechanical method of plethysmography has several advantages over other methods of measuring blood volume, such as ultrasonic plethysmography or impedance-based plethysmography. It is more accurate because it does not depend on the presence of ultrasonic waves or electric fields, which can distort the measurement results. Additionally, the mechanical method can be used to measure blood volume in hard-to-reach areas such as arteries or veins.

However, the mechanical method also has its disadvantages. It requires the use of special tools and equipment, which can be expensive and difficult to use. Additionally, this method may be less accurate than other methods, especially when measuring small volumes of blood.

In general, mechanical plethysmography remains one of the most common and reliable methods for measuring blood volume and continues to be used in clinical practice for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Plethysmography is a medical diagnostic method that allows you to assess the condition of the blood vessels and arteries of the human body. It is used to diagnose many diseases, such as hypertension, heart disease, atherosclerosis and others.

Plethysmography provides information about the state of the circulatory system, based on changes in the diameter of the arterial lumen under the influence of various physiological stimuli. The procedure is carried out by introducing a flexible catheter tube with a built-in pressure sensor or microsensor into the artery. This measures changes in the level of pressure inside the blood vessel, which is a key indicator of the elasticity of the artery walls. Depending on the method used to display the plethysmogram, a distinction is made between visual and computer plethysmography. In addition, they include shooting a pulse wave or photographing blood vessels, which can be used to monitor the development of pulse waves during an event to slow down the pulse.

The study is used for different age categories, but the most important is the use of plethysmography in the treatment of patients with arterial pathology: atherosclerosis, renal hypertension, hypertension, stenography. The use of a modern model of a piezoelectric sensor to a plethysmograph, which includes electrodes for direct measurement of the parameters of arterial vessels, allows us to obtain a real picture of the development of pathology. The method is also used for systolic failure and ventricular arrhythmia, as well as in experiments when conducting studies of thermoregulation and nervous regulation systems. This technique provides an opportunity for comprehensive observation of the functions of human regulatory mechanisms directly during the patient’s life. Based on the results of the study, the condition of the human arterial system is assessed. For example, the ratio of elasticity indicators in the region of the brachial artery and in the femoral vein may indicate the presence of a blood supply disorder. Also, for example, monitoring the same person at different periods makes it possible to analyze changes in the functional activity of blood vessels.