Pleurisy Parapneumonic

Parapneumonic pleurisy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Parapneumonic pleurisy is an inflammatory disease of the pleura that develops as a result of complications of pneumonia or other infections in the lungs. This is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and methods of treating parapneumonic pleurisy.

Parapneumonic pleurisy usually develops as a complication of bacterial pneumonia. The bacteria that cause pneumonia can spread from the lung into the pleura, causing inflammation. This can occur as a result of insufficient or untimely treatment of pneumonia. Several factors may also increase the risk of developing parapneumonic pleurisy, including a weakened immune system, chronic lung disease, and problems with drainage of lung fluids.

The main symptoms of parapneumonic pleurisy include:

  1. Chest pain that may get worse when you take a deep breath or cough.
  2. Difficulty breathing or increased breathing rate.
  3. Burning or pressure sensation in the chest.
  4. Fever and general weakness.
  5. Increased sweating and pallor.
  6. Fatigue and loss of appetite.

Treatment of parapneumonic pleurisy is aimed at fighting infection and reducing inflammation. The following methods are usually used:

  1. Antibiotics: If a bacterial infection is suspected, the doctor will prescribe a wide range of antibiotics to combat the pathogen.
  2. Drainage of pulmonary fluid: If fluid accumulates in the lungs, a drain may be needed to remove the fluid and make breathing easier.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs: Some patients may receive anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms.
  4. Supportive Care: If the patient's condition is severe, supportive care may be required, including oxygen therapy or mechanical ventilation.

It is important to consult a doctor at the first signs of parapneumonic pleurisy, as immediate treatment can reduce the risk of complications and promote a quick recovery. Parapneumonic pleurisy requires medical supervision and regular monitoring.

In conclusion, parapneumonic pleurisy is a serious complication of pneumonia that requires immediate intervention. It is important to see a doctor if you experience characteristic symptoms such as chest pain, difficulty breathing and fever. Early diagnosis and treatment will help prevent complications and promote a quick recovery for the patient. Follow your doctor's recommendations and adhere to the prescribed treatment for best results.

Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura, which is the connective tissue that covers the lungs and mediastinum. The parapneumonic form of this disease occurs when there is pneumonia, an inflammation of the lungs that can be caused by various causes, including viruses, bacteria and fungi. With parapneumonic pleurisy, fluid accumulates on the inflamed pleura, which leads to an increase in lung volume and difficulty breathing.

Symptoms of parapneumonic pleurisy include sharp chest pain that gets worse with deep breathing or coughing. The patient may also experience shortness of breath, cough with sputum, fever and fatigue. In more severe cases, severe intoxication of the body caused by waste products of microorganisms may occur.

The causes of parapneumonic plevnitis can be different - infectious and non-infectious. To the main infectious diseases