
Pleurodynia (pleura+Greek odyne pain). Hydrocortisone injections into the sacrolumbar plexus area reduce pain. The administration of anticholinergic drugs, such as benztropine, is also indicated to enhance the analgesic effect, since this drug penetrates well into the endings of the nerve fiber. In the case of the pleuropulmonary form, oral administration of diuretics that help eliminate congestion in the pleural cavity - hypothiazide and furosemide - is indicated.

The large pleura is a cone-shaped layer that covers most of the surface of the lungs to the right and left of the mediastinum. There are two pleura: visceral (lays on the surface of the lung) and parietal (facing outward and attached to the sternum, ribs and spine). The interpleural space is located between them and is filled with a little serous fluid. Most of the surface of the large pleura is occupied by the pulmonary grooves. The pleura can be displaced in different directions and, when inhaling, moves towards the lung with the greatest pressure. The doors close