
Plesiotherapy is a technique that is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is based on the use of special exercises and massage techniques that help improve blood circulation, relieve tension and strengthen muscles.

Plesiotherapy can be beneficial for people suffering from pain in the back, neck, shoulders and other parts of the body. It can also help people who want to improve their fitness and endurance.

One of the main advantages of plesiotherapy is that it does not require special equipment or expensive procedures. All that is needed to carry out the procedure is a qualified specialist and a few simple tools.

However, like any other medical procedure, plesiotherapy has its contraindications. For example, it may not be suitable for people with serious heart or lung disease or for pregnant women.

In general, plesiotherapy is an effective method of treating many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It helps improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles and relieve pain. If you would like to try this technique, please contact a qualified professional who can help you choose the appropriate course of treatment.

Plesiotherapy is a unique approach to the treatment and prevention of various diseases, which is based on the use of plesiological agents that are actively involved in increasing immunity, accelerating regeneration, normalizing metabolism and energy balance in the body, as well as supporting health.

Plesiotherapy is used in all age groups to: reduce stress levels; prevention of chronic diseases; relieving pain and reducing swelling; accelerating the process of rehabilitation and recovery from injuries; increasing endurance and performance; rehabilitation of cancer patients. The effectiveness of plesiotherapy has already been proven by research. Plesiological products are typically thoroughly purified and licensed by leading international food safety organizations. However, most people do not have the opportunity to undergo treatment based on plesiotherapeutic products - the price is too high.

Despite the fact that this type of therapy has existed for quite a long time, it is relatively new in the world. The fact is that it has a long-lasting effect. The products used have an effect on the entire body, affecting every cell of tissues and systems. It is worth understanding that positive changes will not be noticeable immediately. You will first need to undergo several courses of treatment to begin to see real results. Also, the course of therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor who constantly monitors the patient’s condition and adjusts the treatment. Due to this, there is a high probability of minimizing the risk of side effects. A preliminary consultation with your doctor is an important step before starting a course of plesiotherapy. The doctor examines the patient, determines the presence of contraindications and monitors the condition of the body, prescribes dosages, treatment period and duration of the procedure. This will avoid the development of complications and negative consequences during therapy. It is important to remember that plesiological remedies are not a panacea for all diseases and do not help with already advanced cases. In most cases, they act as an addition to the main treatment regimen or are used as a maintenance agent between courses of treatment.