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Caput succedaneum is a term used in medicine to refer to a condition where symptoms or signs of a disease appear in a location other than its true location. This phenomenon occurs when one organ or part of the body responds to another, distant organ. In this article we will take a closer look at what caput succedaneum is.

Caput succedaneum is also known as "double shoot" or "double disease". It is caused by one part of the body reacting to stimuli from other parts, but they are far apart. For example, the eyes can be a source of ear or nose symptoms, and the legs can be a source of stomach or intestinal symptoms.

It has been observed that a disease can manifest in one place and affect another place in the body that would otherwise be inconveniently affected. This theory is the basis of several modern treatments and research. For example, some studies have examined the effects of ultrasound-based teletherapy.