Fruit Not Viable

Fetuses that have developed deformities or other indicators that are incompatible with life. According to their structure, they can have a head or even exist in the womb. Such children are not viable and are subject to abortion during the period of conception by their mother. If at the time of the birth of such children, they are placed in special medical institutions, they are monitored by doctors, and after some time they are sent for a repeat abortion. The question of the advisability of their future life depends on the decision of a special commission. The harm from non-viability of the fetus is that such diseases can have a negative impact not only on the mother, but also on the father, and also cause harm to society in general.

A nonviable fetus is a child who was born with a congenital deformity or other pathologies that do not allow him to grow and develop normally. Such a fetus is not viable because it cannot survive outside the mother's womb and needs the help of doctors and parents in order to continue its development.

Why is the fetus not viable? There may be various reasons for fetal failure. Some of them are related to the mother's health, such as immune system disorders, infection, diabetes and other diseases. Other reasons may be associated with errors in fetal development during embryogenesis. For example, the fetus may have genetic defects, chromosomal abnormalities, or other pathologies that lead to its non-viability. Also, fetuses are sometimes not viable if they are born too early, before