Ploda self-source


Self-twisting of the fruit (Versio Spontanea), or Self-twisting of the fruit (Verificatio spontanae germinationis), is a natural process in the plant, which consists in the fact that a mature fruit or seed begins to germinate without waiting for the influence of any external factor. This process can occur, for example, under certain conditions of temperature and humidity that favor the initiation of germination. In addition, there are several other factors that contribute to fetal self-inversion.

From the history of development

Since ancient times, people have known about fruit self-cultivation and used it to obtain seeds or fruits of earlier ripening periods. To ensure this process, people created special conditions - they created dry or wet soil. Now this method of soil cultivation has long been outdated and, as a rule, is used only on very small plots of land.

What is plant self-inversion?

This is a phenomenon that has been little studied and is unlikely to arouse interest among scientists, since the process began quite a long time ago and actively continued at all times, with the exception of artificial cultivation conditions. Nevertheless, scientists and botanists are closely studying this process. Scientists have long believed that such plants pose a threat to the flora of our world, and all because they initially promote seed reproduction and spread through seeds and living organisms.