Amniotic Bladder Cylindrical

Cylindrical amniotic sac (PL) is a pathological condition in which the amniotic sac protrudes significantly into the vagina through a wide-open cervix, which can lead to complications during childbirth. This condition can be caused by various reasons, such as premature dilation of the cervix, abnormal fetal position, polyhydramnios, etc.

The amniotic sac is an important organ during pregnancy that protects the fetus from infections and other external influences. It contains amniotic fluid, which provides nutrition and protection to the fetus. If the amniotic sac is not functioning properly, it can lead to various complications such as infection, premature birth, etc.

If the amniotic sac is cylindrical, it is necessary to undergo treatment, which may include the use of medications, surgery, or other treatment methods. It is important to consult a doctor promptly for diagnosis and treatment of this condition in order to avoid possible complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

The problem of diagnosing the pathology of intrauterine fetal development remains relevant due to the widespread introduction of prenatal diagnostics of fetuses, which manifest themselves in 85-90% of chromosomal abnormalities and malformations leading to miscarriages in the first trimester of pregnancy. Since P.p. is a manifestation of many chromosomal and gene mutations of fetuses and genetically determined syndromes and is one of the factors contributing to the formation of the chorioamniotic space, which leads to the development of false complete placental abruption (FPL) and miscarriages in later pregnancy. P. p. in the uterine cavity has an adverse effect on the condition of the developing fetus, disrupting the conditions of its nutrition and development. A fetal defect facilitates the penetration of venous blood into the newly formed intervillous space, containing decay products of the umbilical cord tissue and the embryo itself (blood and urine), which leads to additional poisoning