Pneumography Multiple

Multiple pneumography is a research method in which a person’s cardiac activity is recorded synchronously in several areas of the body using special equipment called a pneumograph. Unlike standard methods of cardiography, pneumography allows you to register many not only electrical, but also mechanical changes in the chest during blood circulation. One application of pneumography is to determine blood pressure (central pressure) in various areas of the cardiovascular system. To do this, radiopaque contrast agents are first introduced into the bloodstream. After the study, they are excreted by the body, which leads to a change in their concentration in the blood. The pulsation of the heart vessels gives characteristic light effects, which are recorded using a special

Multiple pneumography Introduction Pneumography is a method for studying the respiratory movements of the chest, which is used to diagnose various diseases of the lungs, bronchi and pleura. Pneumography can also be used to determine the functional activity of the lungs after illness or surgery. Currently, pneumography is widely used in medical research and clinical practice.

Multiple pneumography consists of studying respiratory movements from several areas of the patient’s chest and abdomen at once. This makes it possible to identify the presence of abnormalities in the function of certain organs associated with human disease. Pneumography is a painless procedure, it does not require special preparation and takes on average about 7 minutes to complete.

Pneumography multipleP. is a special type of pneumography that is performed simultaneously from several different areas of the patient’s chest or anterior abdominal wall. This is a new approach to studying the functions of the respiratory system and allows you to more accurately determine the volume and speed of breathing, as well as air pressure in the lungs.

Pneumography can be performed either by a doctor during direct examination or with the help of computed tomography. During the procedure, the patient lies on a couch and breathes slowly while the doctor or a CT scanner records changes in the volume of air in the lungs in different areas. This helps assess lung function and