Pneumonia Traumatic

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs that can be caused by a variety of causes, including infections, allergies, autoimmune diseases and other factors. One of the most common types of pneumonia is pneumonia caused by chest trauma.

This is what is called pleuropulmonary traumatic pneumonia. This is an inflammatory disease of the lungs with a high degree of specificity for bronchial foreign bodies, trauma and acute respiratory viral infections.

Traumatic pneumonia is an acute infectious disease that occurs in the first days after severe trauma or wounds to the chest and is characterized by the development of edema of the interstitial tissue of the lung and impaired circulation in it. Pneumonia of traumatic origin is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, closely associated with physical trauma. Some doctors distinguish three forms of development of the clinical picture of pneumonia:

True pneumonia without the presence of objective trauma and its clear indications in the anamnesis, but in the presence of risk factors.

Toxic pneumonia resulting from a nosocomial infection, manifested by the presence of pus in the lungs. Traumatic pneumonia is a consequence of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the lungs and alveoli, complicated by the entry of Mycobacterium tuberculosis through injury or other infection.