Pneumosclerosis Perivascular

Pneumosclerosis Perivascular, or lichen sclerosus, is a rare multisystem immune-mediated chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by asymmetric sclerosis in the absence of atrophy in the affected area.

Pneumosclerosis, or “snow storms,” are two diseases that primarily affect the skin of the torso and extremities. A characteristic feature of this pathology is the formation of delicate white protrusions and roughness. For all diseases, the skin becomes like a piece of snow or powder. The first type is lining the grooves between the tendons of the skin epidermis - primarily warty or pigmented atrophic, the second is connective tissue. Pneumoscleora may be a manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), but it is also an independent disease. Pneumosclera forms changes that are widespread throughout the body and are less invasive and aggressive than the rashes of SLE. Less common symptoms for these diseases include severe itching in the affected areas compared to the signs that can be seen on the skin.