Sulfonamide Drugs

Sulfonamides (sulfonamides, sulfonamidins, sulfonamides) are a group of drugs that have a bacteriostatic effect. According to their chemical structure, they belong to sulfanilic acid amide derivatives.

Sulfonamides were first used as antimicrobial agents in 1935, when it was proven that they have a bactericidal effect. In 1943, the first sulfonamide derivatives were synthesized, which had high activity against gram-negative bacteria. In the 60s, sulfonamide compounds with a wide spectrum of action were synthesized and introduced into medical practice.

Sulfonamides are of great importance for medicine, as they are one of the most effective and widely used drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by bacteria. They act by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial proteins and preventing the proliferation of bacteria.

There are several types of sulfa drugs, each with its own characteristics and used to treat specific types of infections. For example, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim are used to treat intestinal infections, and sulfadimethoxine and sulfapyridazine are used to treat urinary tract infections.

However, despite their effectiveness, sulfonamide drugs have a number of side effects, such as allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and others. In addition, they can cause bacteria to become resistant to the drug, which can lead to treatment failure. Therefore, before starting to take sulfonamides, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Sulfanilamide is the first group of antibacterial drugs, which includes such common drugs as Furacilin, streptocide and Levomekol. They act bacteriostatically, that is, they stop the growth of microorganisms, but do not destroy them completely. As a result, diseases can go away, and microorganisms can adapt to the drug. In addition, the high toxicity of this group causes side effects: fever, nausea, vomiting, etc. They are usually prescribed in the form of ointments for the treatment of purulent wounds and burns, as well as in gynecology to relieve inflammation. Also, the sulfa group