Why you shouldn't apply cream around your eyes

Applying cream around the eyes has its own rules and features. This post contains a short and succinct guide (with pictures and videos) on how to properly apply eye cream.

Apply a small pea-sized amount of cream to your ring finger.

Apply the cream around the eyes along the bone - under the eyebrow, under the eyes along the edge of the cheekbones and on the crow's feet area.

Use the pad of your ring finger to spread the cream with light massage movements.

Move from bottom to temples to nose. From above - from the nose to the temples.

Using patting movements, gently “beat” the cream into the skin.

Allow the cream to absorb for at least 90 seconds, preferably 10-15 minutes, before applying makeup.


  1. Don't go overboard with the quantity. More doesn't mean better. If there is too much cream on the skin, it will flow into the eyes, causing irritation and swelling. Makeup will “float” on oily skin. In addition, if the cream has not had time to be absorbed and you rub your eye, it will get on the mucous membrane and cause discomfort.
  2. If your eye cream “lives” in a jar, be sure to use a spatula. This is especially important for the eyes.
  3. The ring finger is the best choice for applying eye cream. It is the weakest when pressed.
  4. The skin around the eyes is delicate and easily damaged. Do not stretch or rub the skin. Pat rather than rub in the cream.
  5. Press very gently - don't overdo it.
  6. Pay special attention to the crow's feet area.
  7. Apply eye cream first, then face cream.
  8. If irritation, redness or itching occurs, stop use immediately.
  9. Always read the instructions for your specific product. The manufacturer may recommend its own method of application.

Why you can’t apply cream to your moving eyelid

The cream “migrates” over time and spreads over the eyelid on its own. If you initially apply the cream too close to the mucous membrane, it will get into the eyes and cause burning, swelling, redness, tears, irritation and swelling.

If your eyelid itself is peeling (for example, due to allergies), carefully apply a minimal amount of a proven hypoallergenic cream to the peeling area. Be careful not to get the cream into your eyes.

LaraBar Tips & Tricks

To extend the life and effectiveness of your eye cream, store it in the refrigerator door. Especially anti-swelling gels. Cold gels will work even better against edema and swelling.

Want to know more? Read the post Eye cream. ►

And for dessert, five videos from beauty experts on how to apply eye cream.

How do you use eye cream? Share in the comments.

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It would seem that what could be simpler than applying cream? Holding the treasured tube in our hands, we expect real miracles. But for some reason, wrinkles do not disappear, and dark circles become even more noticeable. It seems that the product is not cheap, and the composition is almost perfect, but there is no effect. It turns out that it is important not only to choose a high-quality cream, but also to know all the intricacies of its use. How to apply eye cream correctly, and what mistakes should you avoid?


Surely, many have heard that young girls should not apply cream against wrinkles around the eyes. Grandmothers scare their granddaughters with the fact that the use of such products can cause premature aging. It is believed that the longer the skin is not exposed to external influences, the longer it will remain young and elastic. But, as practice shows, early wrinkles, unattractive bags and bruises appear precisely from lack of care.

Not only is the skin on the eyelids very vulnerable, but it also bears a huge burden associated with protecting the visual apparatus. The eyelids react to the slightest irritants, squinting from the sun or wind. If a speck gets into the eye, we frantically begin to rub it, injuring and stretching the skin. All you have to do is add daily application and removal of makeup to understand how quickly the signs of aging will appear if you do not apply cream to the skin around your eyes.


How not to make a mistake when choosing a cream

The shelves of cosmetic stores are full of dozens of attractive tubes, and commercials so temptingly tell about the benefits of eye creams. But you can’t choose caring cosmetics based on visual impressions or brand popularity.

You must clearly know what kind of product your eyelids need. Here are the main criteria for choosing an eye cream.

  1. If you are under 25 years old. At a young age, girls usually spend a lot of time at the computer, reading books and writing notes, which leads to swelling and redness. In this case, cooling gels are recommended. If the composition contains aloe extract and ultraviolet filters, you can get rid of dark circles.
  2. If you have bad habits. And also if you live in a region with poor ecology. These factors contribute to the early appearance of wrinkles. In this case, a cream with antioxidants is recommended. Vitamins E, C, K perform the best job of removing toxins and moisturizing the skin.
  3. If you are over 30 years old. At this age, hormonal aging begins, accompanied by loss of elasticity and the formation of fat in the eye area. Your skin needs a shock dose of substances that increase turgor. (That is, increasing the tone and ability of the skin to resist external influences). These are collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, argireline, resveratrol. But it is better to avoid caffeine-based products, as it dehydrates the skin.
  4. If you have problem or sensitive skin. It is worth paying attention to creams based on seaweed. Laminaria, for example, is rich in minerals, vitamins and other elements that mature epidermis needs.
  5. If you have dry skin. Choose products containing essential oils. Barberry and lemon have proven themselves well.


How to properly apply eye cream

There are a lot of subtleties that allow you to maintain the skin around the eyes in a normal functional state. It is not enough to simply apply cream to the skin. It is important to follow the technology recommended by cosmetologists.

Application technique: 4 stages

The technique of applying cream to the skin around the eyes involves careful movements. It is important not only to saturate the tissues with nutrients, but also to preserve their structure. We list the four main stages of proper care for the skin around the eyes.

  1. Pre-clean your skin. Be sure to remove makeup, and then wash with warm water.
  2. Apply the cream to the skin precisely. Gently touch the area around the eyes, feeling for the orbital bone. Distribute small drops of the product along its contour.
  3. Distribute the product using tapping movements. This should be done in the direction from the bone to the eyelid. You need to tap the skin with your ring finger, which, due to poor training, will not be able to injure delicate tissues.
  4. Wait until completely absorbed. If your eyelids still feel damp or slightly sticky, continue patiently. You cannot increase the intensity of movements.


Application scheme

There is a specific pattern for how to apply eye cream. By strictly following it, you can avoid many troubles. This should be done as follows.

  1. How to start . Distribute the product over the skin, starting from the temporal bone.
  2. Where to go. Slowly walk along the lower eyelid, lifting the pad of your finger every 2-3 mm.
  3. End point. Having reached the bridge of the nose, move to the eyebrow line, continuing to move your fingers towards the outer corner (starting point).

Features of evening and morning care

The scheme for applying cream around the eyes is not all you need to know about daily care. So, there are some features of morning and evening manipulations.

After applying the cream in the morning, you need to wait about a quarter of an hour before applying makeup. If you are impatient, your makeup will fall unevenly, roll, or smear. As a result, you will have to wash your face and reapply cream and makeup again. And this will not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. Besides, you will waste time.


6 common mistakes

If you do not know how to properly apply eye cream, the pattern is unknown to you or is ignored, you risk causing serious damage to your appearance. Self-care is not the best field for experimentation. That’s why it’s always better to learn from other people’s mistakes. Here is a list of the six most common.

  1. Insufficient skin cleansing. If you have not completely removed impurities from the surface of your eyelids, even the most expensive and rich cream will not do any good. Moreover, this can cause allergic reactions and irritation.
  2. Too much cream. Much does not mean good. By applying a thick layer of product to your eyelids, you will not increase skin nutrition, but will only block the access of oxygen to the cells.
  3. An insufficient amount . It's also not worth saving. By applying a small amount of product, you are only wasting it.
  4. Ignoring the recommended scheme. If you act on the skin not along massage lines, but in a random order, there is a risk of stretching the tissue.
  5. Too intense impact. When trying to speed up absorption, do not rub the skin forcefully or hit it hard. This will only lead to the formation of wrinkles and dark circles.
  6. Applying the product to the eyelids. Most likely, the excess will get on the mucous membrane, which will lead to swelling and irritation.

There are a lot of subtleties on how to properly apply cream around the eyes. The scheme is not as complicated as it might seem. Self-care should not be rushed. If you suddenly want to quickly rub the product into your skin, always remember the consequences that this can lead to.

The thin skin around the eyes should be taken care of first. It is subjected to significant stress, but does not have the same self-healing ability as the skin on other parts of the face.

Signs of fatigue and aging first appear around the eyes, and this area needs special attention and care. Unfortunately, many women forget about it, and at some points they don’t even know about it.

What are the most common mistakes girls make when taking care of the skin around their eyes?

The main mistake is not removing makeup before bed.

The reasons may be different: extreme fatigue, when you want to go to bed as quickly as possible, stressful situations in which any action is a burden. There are times when you have to spend the night in an unexpected place where there is no way to wash properly.

What to do if you can’t remove makeup residue in the usual way?

Whatever the reasons, you should find a way to remove makeup. The ideal option is to always have with you special wipes designed for removing makeup. They will help out in any situation.

Why is it so important to remove makeup before bed?

The fact is that the skin does not rest at night, it actively works. The processes of renewal, restoration, and getting rid of everything unnecessary take place in its cells, and the remnants of makeup make this work difficult. As a result, even a long sleep will not refresh the skin, and it will look dull and gray.

The second mistake is using a cleanser that contains soap.


Such cosmetics have long ceased to be popular, but still have their supporters. Soap is good only when there are no other ways to cleanse the face, but it is better to give preference to other cosmetic products.

What to do if you still have to wash your face with soap?

Immediately moisturize the skin with cream or gel. For unexpected business trips and other unplanned trips, it would be a good idea to have a small bottle of grapeseed oil in your purse. It won't take up much space, but it can help out in many situations. Grapeseed oil is light, absorbs quickly, does not clog pores and takes excellent care of the skin. It can replace cream for the face, eyelids and hands. Of course, only for a while.

Why is it so important to avoid soap?

The fact is that the areas around the eyes have practically no sebaceous glands, the secretion of which protects and moisturizes the skin. Soap degreases these vulnerable areas, stripping them of the thin film of fat, causing the skin to become dry, thin and fragile. Constantly washing with soap will lead to the appearance of premature wrinkles, as the skin will react more sensitively to negative environmental influences.

The third mistake is neglecting rest.


This is especially true for young girls who are ready to sacrifice sleep for a party. Yes, you can hope to disguise the signs of fatigue with decorative cosmetics, but such an attitude towards your own appearance is not in vain.

What to do if you still had to spend a sleepless night, or even more than one?

Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world and no one is immune from lack of sleep. If there was no choice and you had to sacrifice rest, then in the morning bags under the eyes, dark circles, and swelling may appear.

It is possible to hide traces of fatigue if it has not become chronic. To do this, you will need brewed black tea bags, which must be cooled and applied to the eyelids. The duration of the compress is from 15 minutes.

Tea tones the skin, strengthens it, gets rid of bags and dark circles. Compresses made from dill, parsley or sage have a similar effect. The herb should be brewed with boiling water, let it brew for a while, and then soak cotton pads in the broth and apply to the eye area.

Another good way to erase signs of fatigue from your face is a massage with ice cubes. Instead of water, you can freeze tea or infusions of the mentioned herbs. When performing the procedure, there is no need to allow the skin to become hypothermic. This will cause its blood vessels to narrow, which will impede blood circulation.

After compresses or ice massage, it is advisable to perform several physical exercises to increase blood circulation. This will help skin cells return to normal faster after a sleepless night.

If the measures described are not enough, it will be the turn of cosmetics. A cream with a lifting effect will improve skin tone and smooth out fine wrinkles. To disguise dark circles, you will need a concealer, and powder with reflective particles will give your look a fresh look.

Why is it so important to get enough sleep?

Firstly, as mentioned above, at night the skin is restored and gets rid of toxins. And secondly, fatigue tends to accumulate. At the age of twenty, negative signs of fatigue are practically invisible, but by the age of thirty they can already make themselves felt.

Skin exposed to lack of rest for a long time becomes more vulnerable, toxins accumulate in it, and blood circulation becomes difficult. This leads to premature wrinkles, distinct bags under the eyes and dark circles that are difficult to get rid of.

The fourth mistake is saving money when choosing cosmetics, both skincare and decorative.


There is a popular opinion that the results of using different categories of products are not as different as their prices.

What to look for when choosing cosmetic products?

Of course, you need to look at the price, but not first of all. The main attention should be paid to the composition. The less chemical fragrances, preservatives and dyes it contains, the better. As a rule, such ingredients are often used in inexpensive cosmetics due to their cheapness and availability.

As for well-known expensive brands, the price of its products includes not only advertising and packaging, but also the cost of high-quality components, technological equipment and the work of qualified specialists. By the way, many of these companies have their own scientific laboratories, where they develop formulas for new substances that can make skin care even more effective.

Why is it so important to use high-quality cosmetics?

Firstly, she copes better with the responsibilities assigned to her. Secondly, it must have another important quality - it must be safe, since it is used near the eyes.

The fifth mistake is the belief that ordinary face cosmetics are also suitable for the skin of the eyelids.

There are women who believe that using special care for this area does not make sense, but for the eyelids the cream that is used for facial care is quite suitable.

Why is it so important to use special cosmetics?

The texture of the skin around the eyes is different from other areas. It is thinner, contains less collagen and elastin, recovers more slowly and does not protect itself as well from harmful external influences.

Of course, its care must be special. Creams intended for the face can be too oily for the skin of the eyelids. Products that cannot be quickly absorbed often cause swelling and irritation, while sticky ones contribute to stretching.

Eye creams are light, quickly absorbed, have a neutral pH and a sun protection factor.

The sixth mistake is ignoring your skin type when choosing skin care products for your eyelids.


Yes, its structure is different from the rest of the skin, but it also has its own varieties.

Why should you pay attention to your skin type?

The areas around the eyes are not oily or combination, but can range from normal to dry, sensitive, or prone to puffiness or dark circles. Each type requires special care.

The seventh mistake is using anti-aging cosmetics too early.


Some girls, seeing their first facial wrinkles, in fear rush to resort to products that young skin does not yet need.

Why shouldn't you rush into anti-aging cosmetics?

The first wrinkles are, of course, a sign that the skin no longer has enough resources to recover from deformations, but it is still quite elastic, and with proper care, most wrinkles can disappear.

They arise from fatigue, exposure to dry air, ultraviolet radiation, lack of hydration, and these problems can still be dealt with without the use of “heavy artillery.” Early use of such products will not bring any benefit, but the skin will begin to get used to them, and subsequently will no longer react to them.

The eighth mistake is the opposite of the previous one.


Women who are afraid of the addictive effect are afraid to start using products for their age, even if the need has already arisen.

Why shouldn’t you delay using anti-aging cosmetics?

Those who continue to use only moisturizers are depriving their skin of the support it needs.

For example, at 30-35 years old, the skin needs products that enhance its regeneration processes, and skin creams after 40 contain substances that fight natural aging: antioxidants, vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin.

If at the age of 35 you do not use cosmetics that can solve the problems of this age, then you can approach the next stage with fairly aged skin.

By the way, not only the use of suitable cosmetics, but also visits to a cosmetologist should be timely. A specialist will help you choose the right care and, possibly, procedures that preserve beauty and youth. A consultation with a cosmetologist is not very expensive, but it will not be superfluous. Investing in beauty should not be considered a pointless waste of money.

The ninth mistake is fear when using cosmetic oils.

Sometimes there is advice not to use oils to care for the skin of the eyelids due to the fact that they are greasy, poorly absorbed and cause swelling.

Why can oils be trusted with the delicate skin around the eyes?

Most cosmetic oils are well absorbed by the skin even in their pure form. Solid butter butters are absorbed a little worse than light stone fruit oils, but they certainly won’t lie on the skin like an impenetrable film. The skin reaction of different people may be different, but in general, oils are not capable of causing harm, especially in small quantities as part of a cream. By the way, cosmetic oils are recommended for massaging the skin around the eyes. They prevent stretching and deformation, and during the massage the skin better absorbs their valuable components.

The last, tenth mistake is incorrect application of cosmetics.


Many women rub the cream, stretching the skin, and also do it against the massage lines, resulting in more pronounced wrinkles and swelling.

Why do skincare products need to be applied correctly?

The skin of the eyelids is subject to significant stress during the day: several thousand blinks and facial movements. This contributes to its deformation, the resistance of which decreases as elasticity is lost.

This is how wrinkles appear. Stretching the skin when applying cream is an additional deformation, so all touches must be smooth and careful. The second important point is the need to adhere to the massage lines.

It is easy to remember them: on the upper eyelid the cream is applied in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and on the lower eyelid - vice versa. Such movements smooth out wrinkles and remove excess fluid from the tissues.

The mistakes discussed above in caring for the skin around the eyelids are the most common and typical. If you regularly do at least some of them, you can nullify all your efforts, so you should remember them and not repeat them.