Why do pores on the face become clogged?

The presence of clogged pores on the face is a big problem, because they cause acne and redness, which significantly spoils the appearance of the skin and causes discomfort. To cleanse the skin, many people prefer to resort to salon procedures, forgetting about homemade cleaning recipes, which can be no less effective. To quickly eliminate a cosmetic defect, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the proven methods that girls have been using for several decades.


In teenagers, clogged pores on the face most often appear due to hormonal changes. Everything is much more complicated in adults - here several problems can contribute to the formation of blackheads:

  1. Fat type. The sebaceous glands work hyperactively, as a result of which fat gets into the pores and clogs them. The problem can be solved with proper care and timely removal of shine. It is also worth considering that hyperactivity of the glands is often caused by poor nutrition;
  2. Lack of care for the epidermis. The dermis needs to be cleansed daily, masks made several times a week, lotions used - this is the minimum set. If this is not done, over time the pores will become very clogged;
  3. Using low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics. Foundations and powders must match your skin type. It is advisable to give preference to brands that use natural ingredients;
  4. Abuse of decorative cosmetics. Creams, concealers, and powders form a dense layer on the skin, and the flow of oxygen slows down. This causes blockage;
  5. Sedentary lifestyle, rare visits to the street;
  6. The use of comedogenic oils that do not match the type.

The latter is common. Many people mistakenly believe that oils are equally beneficial for the skin, forgetting that each of them performs different functions and what has a beneficial effect on dry skin types can have a detrimental effect on oily skin types.


At first, the impurities are not very noticeable, but the girl can see them in the mirror when examining the skin in detail. Subsequently, the following changes occur:

  1. The relief of the skin changes and becomes lumpy;
  2. The pores become clogged with oil, resulting in the formation of pimples and blackheads;
  3. Comedones appear on the chin and nose;
  4. A healthy glow disappears, the complexion becomes reddish.

The most important symptom – wide pores – is visible to the naked eye. Deficiencies can be masked with foundation, but this will only aggravate the situation; after a while, even the best products will no longer help.

The best option is regular facial cleansing in a salon or at home.

Important! If the reason for closing the pores is the use of a cream, it is recommended to avoid it for a while to make sure that it is the negative factor.

Methods of cleansing

Those who do not know how to get rid of blackheads and open pores should familiarize themselves with effective methods that allow you to achieve good results in several sessions.

Salon facial cleansing

Those wishing to get rid of contaminants should pay attention to several types of procedures carried out in the salon:

View Description
Chemical peeling Fruit acids are used. There are superficial, medium and deep cleaning. The result is breathable skin and rejuvenation
Manual cleaning The doctor manually removes the rash from the steamed dermis. A painful and traumatic method. Rehabilitation takes 5-7 hours
Laser Painless and safe technique. Penetrating deep into the dermis, the laser destroys formations and stops inflammatory processes
Ultrasonic The principle is similar to laser, but ultrasound affects contaminants
Mechanical Special tools are used. Not suitable for sensitive dermis due to moderate pain
Vacuum Impurities are pulled out of the dermis using special attachments. The procedure is painless, but the effect is only superficial

It is recommended to choose salon procedures with the help of a cosmetologist, who will tell you which option is best to resort to.

Homemade facial cleansing

The use of home recipes is effective in combination with compliance with several rules:

  1. Removing decorative cosmetics at night and before procedures is mandatory;
  2. It is recommended to use scrubs, peelings, peeling rollers 2-2 times a week - they remove impurities well. Rolling rays are best for sensitive skin;
  3. Steam herbal baths make the dermis breathable and promote cleansing, so they should be done 1-2 times a week;
  4. For sensitive epidermis, gommage is used.

Film masks clean the points well - you can buy them in a store or pharmacy. The rest of the products are prepared independently according to proven recipes.


If you want to remove impurities, narrow pores and make them clean, you just need to choose the most suitable recipe from those offered.

Soft scrub

Light oatmeal peeling allows you to achieve perfect cleanliness and smoothness:

  1. Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder;
  2. Fill the composition with water, stir, leave for 5 minutes;
  3. Using gentle massaging movements, distribute over the dermis;
  4. Massage for 3-5 minutes, then rinse.

Clay mask

For oily or combination types, blue, black or green clay is ideal:

  1. Dilute a bag of clay powder with water, stir until it reaches a creamy consistency;
  2. Apply to the skin with light circular movements;
  3. After leaving for 20 minutes, rinse with room water.

Curd mask

The composition has a whitening, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, rejuvenating effect:

  1. Combine a large spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese with honey;
  2. Apply over the face using massaging movements;
  3. Remove after 15 minutes.

Gelatin mask

This composition is best suited for relieving inflammation and cleaning sensitive dermis:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of gelatin powder with two crushed tablets of activated carbon, pour milk over everything;
  2. Leave to swell for 7 minutes after stirring;
  3. Distribute the mass in a dense layer;
  4. Exposure time is up to 15 minutes.

Oils that don't clog pores

Using the wrong oils is bound to clog your pores, so it's important to know which ones are non-comedogenic.

Comedogenicity implies the risk of formation of comedones. Non-comedogenicity, accordingly, allows you to use oils without harm to the epidermis of oily or mixed type.


The following are considered the best oils that do not clog pores:

  1. Shea, sunflower, safflower;
  2. Argan, mango, hemp;
  3. Black cumin, rose hips, margosa;
  4. Sea buckthorn, sesame, castor, pomegranate seeds.

Moderately comedic

Moderate comedogenicity should be understood as an unpredictable effect on the fatty type. To understand whether the oil is suitable, you will have to observe the reaction for several weeks after starting use.

Which oils are considered moderately comedogenic:

  1. Pumpkin, sandalwood, tamanu;
  2. Almond, peanut, apricot;
  3. Soy, olive, macadamia;
  4. Grape, hazelnut, baobab seeds;
  5. Camphor, jojoba, cotton;
  6. Unrefined sesame, corn.

The video below talks about the comedogenicity of oils:


In cosmetology, comedogenic oils with a high risk of contamination include:

  1. Coconut;
  2. Wheat germ;
  3. Linen;
  4. Palm;
  5. Cocoa.

It is also worth considering pharmaceutical preparations that contain fats and are highly comedogenic. These include petroleum jelly, ceresin, shark liver oil, lanolin, mink oil, beeswax or emulsion wax, candela wax. Their use is contraindicated for oily skin.

From the video presented you will learn what doctors advise:


Using recipes for cleaning pores at home allows you to achieve positive results from the first procedures. The following changes become noticeable:

  1. Well-groomed skin;
  2. Elimination of blackheads;
  3. Relieving inflammation and redness.

Important! Cleaning should be done no more than 2-3 times a week. There should be at least 1 day between sessions.

Ideal skin is, first of all, an even color and the absence of painful shine. You can achieve this effect only if you know how to clean the pores on your face. It is believed that the oiliness of the epidermis can be completely removed only using professional procedures. But that's not true. Many methods can give much better results at home and much cheaper.

Why do you need to clean your pores?

Pores are openings of the sebaceous glands on the surface of the skin, which are necessary for the release of sweat and waste products from the body. It is important to understand that any fat (in normal quantities) is beneficial for tissues, it protects, softens, and is an alternative source of nutrition for the body. But, an excessive amount of lipid compounds is harmful.


Facial pores

Due to the large amount of fat on the skin, so-called. sebaceous plugs. This is the accumulation of dirt, dust, fat deposits and dead cells in the pores. It is because of them that pimples, blackheads and comedones begin to appear on the face. In addition, sebaceous plugs tend to stretch pores.

Why you need to clean your pores:

  1. This helps to normalize metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis, promotes their saturation with oxygen and moisture, and improves the quality of “nutrition”;
  2. Regular cleaning will help avoid problems with enlarged pores. Otherwise, even if you achieve clean skin openings (without grease and dirt), your face will still look sloppy;
  3. Clogged pores are an excellent source of food for bacteria and fungi. Peeling is needed to minimize the rate of reproduction of pathogens, the number of acne and rashes;
  4. This allows you to activate the production of collagen and elastane, strengthen the fibers, and increase local immunity;
  5. Scrubbing improves blood circulation and evens out the complexion.


Inflamed sebaceous plugs

How to cleanse facial pores at home

You can get rid of clogged ducts in the following ways:

  1. Use a professional cleaning service (ultrasonic, mechanical, vacuum, etc.);
  2. Do your own tightening masks and facial peels;
  3. Regularly steam the skin, rub the pores with hard tissues, sponges, loofahs, etc.

The easiest and most effective way to cleanse facial pores at home is to make a charcoal mask. It is a completely natural analogue of the advertised Black Mask, with the exception of the hypoallergenic composition and 100% effectiveness. Judging by the reviews, it is the best for effectively narrowing the ducts.


Charcoal face mask

How to make a cleansing mask with activated carbon:

  1. You need to take two tablets of angle and grind them in a mortar. If it is not there, take a glass and push the tablet out there using the reverse handle of a knife, rolling pin, etc. It is inconvenient to do this on a plate - pieces of coal fly apart;
  2. Afterwards the milk is heated. It is very important not to boil it, and if you accidentally overheat it, you need to wait a little until it reaches a temperature of 40–60 degrees;
  3. Add 1 spoon of natural gelatin and charcoal powder to the hot liquid. Now the hardest part is to stir the mixture until smooth. Please note that the paste thickens very quickly. Your goal is to achieve no lumps. If necessary, the mass can be reheated in the microwave;
  4. Apply the resulting mask to your face using a brush. It is important not to just rub the product, but to drive it into the pores. Only then will there be a really noticeable effect. Another secret is to carry out the procedure only on steamed skin;
  5. Keep until completely frozen. Preferably in a horizontal position. Afterwards, do not wash it off, but carefully “rip it off” from the face. It will be a little painful at first, but then the skin will get used to it. Sebaceous plugs will be clearly visible on the mask - white columns with dark heads;
  6. After the procedure, immediately wipe your face with an ice cube, wash your face with cold water and apply moisturizer to your skin. Repeat the session every week.

An analogue is often adhesive face mask, cleanses pores. For 1 spoon of PVA glue (only this type is required, it is safe and dissolves in water) take 2 tablets of charcoal (if you take more, the mixture will not thicken). Apply in the same way as the charcoal product - to problem areas over steamed skin. Keep until completely frozen.


Mask with glue

Of course, the methods described above are an emergency approach if the skin is already clogged with sebaceous plugs. To avoid enlarged pores in the future, you need to regularly do gentle peelings and cleansing procedures. Over time, this will completely get rid of acne, rashes and uneven color.

Helps visibly even out skin Hercules face mask, cleanses pores. To prepare it, you need to take a spoonful of oatmeal and pour kefir over it. The porridge should brew and swell; to do this, put it in a warm place for 20 minutes. When applying, it is important to rub the mixture into the skin, this will remove mechanical particles from the pores. Then leave the product on your face for 30 minutes. The effect will be noticeable immediately after rinsing off. Kefir will “eat away” fat deposits, oatmeal will help improve color, and massage will normalize blood circulation.

Video: How to quickly clean pores on your face yourself

Can quickly clean and tighten enlarged pores on the nose mask with clay and honey. Cambrian powder is best suited for this purpose. For 1 spoon of clay, take 1 spoon of herbal decoction, tea, mineral water. Then a spoonful of honey is added to the mixture. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the neck and face. Keep for 20 minutes. The product is suitable for young and mature skin.

Makes a good facial cleanser with aspirin and oil. To prepare such a miraculous mask, you need to take 4 acetylsalicylic acid tablets, 2 tablespoons of oil and a spoonful of water. The batter is selected depending on the skin type. For dry skin, we recommend taking shea or coconut oil; for oily skin, sea buckthorn and rosehip; for problematic skin, calendula and castor oil are ideal. All components are combined and applied to the neck and face for half an hour. The session is repeated every other day.

Of course, peelings should be used to clean and tighten contaminated pores. The most popular option is scrub with soda. It is suitable for any type of epidermis, has whitening anti-inflammatory properties, and quickly removes remaining fat from the surface of the skin. To prepare soda peeling you will need:

  1. Spoon of soda;
  2. The same amount of any base oil;
  3. Half a spoon of fine-grained sea salt.

All ingredients must be mixed and applied with your fingertips along the massage lines. This will clean the upper layer of the epidermis and remove redness. Repeat no more than once a week.


Scrub with baking soda and salt

For rosacea it is better to do coffee scrub – it is an antioxidant. Coffee has a rejuvenating, disinfecting and tonic effect. To cleanse contaminated pores, you need to combine a spoonful of ground fresh coffee (not boiled) with butter. The abrasive mixture is applied to the neck, face and body, rubbed into the skin for 2 minutes, then left for 5 minutes.

After peeling, be sure to do protein mask – it will tighten the pores. To prepare it, separate the white from the yolk, beat it with a fork or broom and apply the liquid to your face with a brush. Rinse off after 15 minutes, then apply moisturizer.

Steaming the skin

Naturally, greasy pores are already quite large, but their structure must be taken into account. To put it very simply, imagine an inverted triangle. The wide part is located on the surface of the skin and tapers towards the middle layer of the epidermis. Accordingly, without steaming the mask, only the upper part will be pulled out, and the middle part will be just as dirty as before.


An easy way to steam your skin

How to steam your skin:

  1. In the bath. This method has been used since ancient times. In Ancient Rus' there was even a tradition of sitting in a steam room every week and then drying yourself with a hard white cloth. This improved blood circulation and quickly cleansed the skin. This is the easiest and most enjoyable way to quickly steam;
  2. Steams the skin well inhalation. They can be made with various folk remedies: propolis, potatoes, mint, essential oils, etc. You need to place the selected component in a pan or other container with hot water. Then bend over it and cover your head with a towel or sheet. Breathe over the steam for at least 10 minutes;
  3. Pharmacy products. Few people know that zinc, kaolin and some other pharmaceutical products have heating properties. To use, you just need to follow the instructions for use;
  4. Special Products. These are unique steaming products. They contain active components that allow you to open pores with almost no effort. The ranking of the most popular includes Garnier (Garnier) “Clean Skin”, Avon (Avon) Warming and NIVEA Pure Effect (Nivea).

Hot compresses

A professional cosmetologist, before cleaning clogged pores on the face, will steam the skin using a special compress. This will remove the surface layer of dust and dirt, ensure blood flow and open the sebaceous ducts.


Hot compress for face

How to make a hot compress at home:

  1. Natural fabric (cotton, flannel, flannel and others) is soaked in hot water. The optimal temperature is up to 42 degrees;
  2. The material is carefully wrung out and applied to a previously cleansed (soap or thermal water) face;
  3. The compress lasts 15 minutes and is done in two approaches.

After this, you need to do a superficial peeling and mask. Only such an integrated approach will allow you to cleanse and tighten the pores on your face forever. The most important thing is to ensure regularity of procedures. As soon as you stop carrying out preventive procedures, the effect will disappear.

There are tiny holes in the skin through which oxygen enters the cells, and decay products formed as a result of metabolism come out. These are pores. They allow the epidermis to look flawless.

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However, in normal condition they can be found very rarely. Some suffer because they are very narrow. For some they are too wide. In the latter case, the problem will be clogged pores, which are a serious obstacle to skin breathing. The solution lies in thorough facial cleansing and additional care for the epidermis.

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To begin with, it’s a good idea to find out why the pores on your face are clogged. There may be one reason, but most often there is a whole combination of factors at work. Think about which of the following is present in your life and how much it could affect the condition of your skin.

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  1. In oily and combination skin types, the glands produce too much sebum. If these circumstances are complemented by insufficient care of the epidermis and an incorrect lifestyle, you should not be surprised that your pores are clogged with sebum.
  2. If you don't clean your face regularly, your pores will accumulate makeup residue, dust and dirt particles. Forming a dense mass, they clog holes in the skin. Subcutaneous fat is added to them from the inside, the production of which does not stop for a minute. The result is inflammation on the face in the form of pimples and blackheads.
  3. If you use cosmetics that are completely unsuitable for your skin type, contamination cannot be avoided.
  4. The abundance of decorative cosmetics on the face (in several layers) is another reason for our misfortune. This creates a non-breathable mask on the skin, which is harmful to the health of the epidermis.
  5. The glands begin to produce a lot of sebum when eating the “wrong” foods: fast food, smoked meats, marinades, chips, crackers, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, hot seasonings, sauces, mayonnaise, sweets.
  6. Rare minutes in the fresh air and preference for a dusty office or apartment is another circumstance that provokes this phenomenon.

Knowing why pores become clogged, you can analyze your lifestyle and how you use cosmetics and draw appropriate conclusions. It's time to change something - otherwise the condition of the epidermis will only worsen every day. But before you take action, make sure that you actually have clogged pores and not some kind of skin disease.

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Helpful information. Comedogenicity is the ability of cosmetic products to pollute and clog pores.

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It is not possible to recognize the problem right away, since clogged pores on your face will begin to ruin your life only after all the debris accumulated in them begins to rot. It is at this moment that the most unpleasant surprises await you. The main symptoms are the following:

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  1. the texture of the skin changes: if before it was more or less smooth, now it is all covered with small tubercles, wavy and looks very unkempt;
  2. inflammation begins to appear: pimples and acne, as in adolescence;
  3. comedones - blackheads - form on the nose, chin and forehead;
  4. the complexion became reddish-blue, the healthy and natural blush disappeared;
  5. when examined in the mirror, you can see how enlarged the pores are, which also does not improve your appearance.

If you are guilty of using some cosmetic product and do not know how to understand that the cream is clogging your pores, conduct an experiment. Stop using it for a while - if the above symptoms begin to gradually disappear, your suspicions are not in vain. But throwing it away is not a solution to the problem. It will be replaced by another product, which will also lead to dirt on the face. Therefore, the only sure way is to start regular cleaning of the epidermis.

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Methods of cleansing


Ultrasonic facial cleansing

Don't know how to get rid of clogged pores on your face that prevent your skin from breathing and looking flawless? Cleaning is the best way to eliminate this cosmetic defect. But you can undergo this procedure at home, or you can make an appointment with a specialist in the salon.

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Salon facial cleansing

If you want to clean clogged pores on your face for a long time and efficiently, it is better to sign up for one of the salon procedures.

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  1. Manual

Manual cleansing is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of clogged pores on the face, despite the fact that it is gradually being replaced by cosmetic devices. First, the skin enjoys a steam bath with herbs (the pores open as much as possible at this moment). Then the doctor removes pimples, blackheads, and blackheads manually. A soothing mask is applied, which relieves irritation and makes the complexion smooth and natural. But there are also disadvantages - the procedure is painful and highly traumatic. The rehabilitation period is several hours (5-7), during which severe redness of the skin may occur.

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  1. Mechanical

Mechanical facial cleansing is another way to clean clogged pores, no less effective, but just as traumatic and painful. It is not done by hand, but with the help of special tools - a spatula-spoon and a strainer.

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  1. Vacuum

Vacuum cleaning allows you to get rid of clogged pores using hardware cosmetology. Blackheads, sebaceous plugs, exfoliated and already dead cells, dust, dirt - all this is drawn out with air through a special nozzle on the device. The advantage is painlessness, the disadvantage is insufficient depth of cleaning: debris may still remain on the lower layers of the epidermis.

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  1. Ultrasonic

Ultrasonic cleaning allows you to clean heavily clogged pores - that’s why it is so in demand today. In this case, the specialist adjusts the wavelength depending on the depth of the blockage. Ultrasound simultaneously evens out the relief, narrows pores, makes the blood pulsate faster, and gives the epidermis a blooming appearance.

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  1. Laser

The laser, like ultrasound, penetrates to a sufficient depth, breaking down subcutaneous debris and clearing clogged pores. This is a completely painless and safe procedure.

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Do not forget that you will have to pay for the salon’s services. Then how can you clean clogged pores at home using the most common means at hand?

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From our previous articles, you can learn more about ultrasound and laser facial peeling.

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Homemade facial cleansing


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To free clogged pores from excess debris on your own, at home, you must first choose a facial cleansing method that is right for you.

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  1. Daily cleansing in the form of washing in the morning and evening (at least) using various serums, gels, foams, milk, etc.
  2. Steam bath with herbs (you can take calendula, celandine or chamomile) 1-2 times a week.
  3. After it, it’s a good idea to scrub your face with a scrub every time.
  4. Sensitive skin needs gommage.
  5. If your pores are clogged, you can use a cleansing film mask after the scrub.

All cleansing products can be purchased at the store (or pharmacy). Or you can cook it yourself at home. It all depends on your individual preferences and financial capabilities.

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Dilute oatmeal crushed in a coffee maker with water to a creamy consistency (read more about oatmeal scrubs and their benefits here).

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  1. Clay masks

Cosmetic clay powder is diluted in warm water to the desired consistency and applied to the face for 20 minutes.

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  1. Swedish mask

3 tsp. mix low-fat cottage cheese with 1 tsp. honey. The duration of action is half an hour.

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  1. Gelatin mask

Mix 2 activated carbon tablets crushed into powder with 2 tsp. gelatin. Pour 4 tsp. milk. Stir, break out any lumps. Action time: 7-10 minutes.

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  1. Rice scrub

1 tbsp. l. Mix crushed rice with 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

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  1. Argan oil

Argan oil also helps well against clogged pores: you need to lubricate your face with a thin layer an hour before bed. Before going to bed, remove any residue with a cotton pad.

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With the help of these remedies, clogged pores on your face will no longer interfere with your life. The skin texture will become even and smooth, the complexion will noticeably improve. But don’t let this reassure you: don’t let your guard down. From now on, carry out such cleanings regularly. And to prevent re-contamination, take into account the advice of cosmetologists and dermatologists.

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Oils that don't clog pores


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If you have become an unwitting hostage to a situation where your pores are constantly clogged, and you don’t know what to do with such a scourge, you will have to reconsider all the facial products you use. And make a special inspection of oils and creams: they are the ones most often responsible for dirty pores.

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They can be comedogenic (contaminating the skin) and non-comedogenic (completely safe for its cleanliness).

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These are oils that do not clog pores:

Knowing which oils do not clog pores, you can regularly use them to prepare homemade face masks without worrying about your skin.

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Moderately comedic

There are natural facial oils that do not clog pores if you take proper care of your skin. But sometimes, if they are used too actively, they can manifest themselves as comedogones. So be careful with them.

Before using such oils to prepare masks or other facial cosmetics, test them: they may simply not suit your skin type.

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And finally, an oil that clogs pores 100%:

And don’t forget to choose the right moisturizer that doesn’t clog pores: this is a rarity in the modern cosmetic market. In this regard, we can recommend such means as:

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  1. Hydra Quench Cream (Israel).
  2. Avene Optimale (France).
  3. Bioderma (France).
  4. La Roche-Posa (France).
  5. Shiseido ibuki (Japan).

Do you have clogged pores on your nose or cheeks? It's time to take urgent action before it's too late. Immediately begin cleaning them of all dirt, dust and dead cells. The cleaner your epidermis is from the inside, the more radiant it will be on the outside. And then you won’t have to feel complex about your appearance.

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