Bud Big Red

Renal failure represents an important problem for physicians. Renal pathology is viewed as “two entities: organs that do not function and the mechanisms through which those organs are destroyed.” This condition is caused by an irreversible disruption of the processes that support kidney function. Patients suffering from renal disease include those who develop glomerular filtration rate below 25 ml/min when the functional volume (FV) approaches its normal value. Another important indicator of kidney function is the systolic pressure in the renal arteries (SBPpA), which goes beyond the value of 90

**Big Red Kidney** is a concept from the world of medicine, denoting a condition that occurs during acute or chronic inflammation of the kidneys with multiple changes in the structure of the organ. For patients, the presence of this pathology means serious health problems - disruption of the body's excretory system, and in young people such a diagnosis can result in lifelong disability.

The occurrence of kidney inflammation is associated with changes in their structural organization. In the case when there is an increase in the volume and weight of one kidney or both, as well as a change in the color of its tissues, this is one of the clinical signs of the Big Red Kidney.

The mechanism of occurrence according to the principle by which the organ is formed

Bud large red

**Big Red Kidney** is a pathological condition that manifests itself in the form of a flabby kidney increased in size and weight, with a heterogeneous blue color on the outer surface. When such a kidney is cut, swelling of the cortex and unclear delineation of the red medulla are noticeable. Under a microscope, it turns out that the organ is very inflamed and contains a lot of blood.


The causes of large red kidney can be different, but most often it is the result of acute or subacute processes in the kidneys, such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and nephrotic syndrome. Hemorrhagic syndrome, based on acute circulatory failure, can also lead to the appearance of this condition. Typically, this condition is observed in cases of impaired renal function caused by excessive stress, for example, with severe food restriction or with the use of heavy drugs, while the barrier functions of the liver, through which ammonia is excreted, are greatly reduced. Also, the kidneys are irritated when the body is poisoned or during prolonged exposure to the sun without appropriate protection.

Clinical picture The symptoms of the large red kidney depend on the disease that caused its appearance. Common signs include swelling under the eyes, nausea, vomiting, bloody urine, weakness, pale skin, and decreased appetite. If the disease is acute, the symptoms may worsen, but if it is subacute, the symptoms may manifest mildly. Also, the clinical picture can be blurred due to possible other pathologies that are accompanied by similar symptoms. Basically, a sick red kidney is manifested by a disruption of the urinary system and the appearance of malfunctions in the nutrition of tissues and organs. Severe complications can lead to kidney failure and anemia. Therefore, it is important to seek help from a specialist at the first signs of the disease in order to prevent serious consequences.